Discussion: Trump Reportedly Circumvents Kelly By Calling Friends On Personal Cell Phone

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Not acting guilty. Definitely just a friendly call. /s


Let chaos reign! So happy to hear this. I was starting to think that Kelly might enforce some discipline and the Trump administration might actually make progress towards more of their goals. I’m guessing that won’t happen now or ever. If a military guy can’t pull the reins on Trump, who can?


Will Kelly last until Labor Day? Probably yes. Until Christmas? Let me get out my wallet.


Sounds like a domestic drama between a petulant child and his parents. Except the petulant child has nuclear codes. And knowledge of national secrets. This can only end with the parent getting fired as no one is able to deny this child anything.


General Kelly stays until Keith Schiller asks him into his office… :stuck_out_tongue:


Remember when it was outrageous that a Secretary of State would want to use her own technology to communicate with people because the government’s systems weren’t modern enough to allow her to have all her accounts on one phone? Remember when that was called a jailable offense?

How is the President of the United States with no bleeping filter calling people like Bannon on an unsecure line a good thing?


Not only that, but Secretary Clinton was smart and calm. He’s fucking insane.


Not for the first time, but here goes anyway: Christ. What an asshole!

And this fat-assed fucktard claimed the world was laughing at the US under Obama? They’re not laughing now for sure.


It’s a miserable thing, to feel ashamed of your country, and you try to stave it off every way you can, but when I read about the damn President demonstrating the kind of behavioral problems you get from a pathologically “oppositional” 5-year-old, I’m ashamed. One foot in front of the other until the better days come…


Kelly has weeded out many of the knuckleheads Trump brought on board immediately after his inauguration. Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Bannon, Gorka, etc. Now I read of a certified crazy, Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, being strongly rumored for a job INSIDE the White House.

It’s unclear what job Clarke will take in the administration, but one of the sources said he’s expected to join the White House. Clarke likely won’t be offered a Senate-confirmed role because his nomination would face opposition from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

It's painfully obvious Clarke has no business being within 1000 yards of the seat of power. If Trump does this it must be seen as a very emphatic and public FU to Kelly. Clarke is exactly the caliber of person Kelly has spent months culling.

Good times.

Consistency, like Irony, Hypocrisy and Selflessness is yet another thing modern Republicans have no concept of.


Don’t disappoint us, Donald – you do you! Don’t allow them to lasso you in and keep you on a leash – you’re not a dog, dude – so you call your friends and foxes. Say whatever comes to your “mind.” Remember, Donny, Kelly is very likely a CNN plant. – so pretend you’re not aware of that fact when you’re talking with the lamestream “news,” but let it all out on your good friend’s show, the American patriot, Sean Hannity.


I hope the NSA is listening in to these unsecured calls - just in case they need to help head off a national emergency or international crisis the pre-adolescent so-called president might incite.


Say it with me…

“It’s Okay If You Are A Republican”

Tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, it’s all they truly care about.


The NSA is monitoring Trump like an ICU team is watching an Ebola victim. The entire intelligence apparatus in this nation is keenly aware Trump represents a national security threat and is assuredly acting in accordance with those beliefs.


That’s it, Donnie: You’re grounded!


Cockholster: “You up?”


When Trump has a stroke, and I’m sure he will, it is my fervent wish that he loses his ability to speak… and that his hands are paralyzed. Then the only nonsense coming out of his mouth will be drool… and we’ll see who rushes to wipe his ass.


The only one who has succeeded so far was KellyAnne during the campaign whose strategy was to treat him like her 11 year old daughter.

Conway, 49, hints how she’ll tackle this challenge. You can’t just tell Trump what to do, she said. You have to give him options. She illustrates the point with a story about her 11-year-old daughter.

When Claudia emerged from her room on Memorial Day sporting turquoise, Conway asked her to change into blue. “She goes, ‘Turquoise is blue.’ And it is. But it wasn’t a shade available to Betsy Ross when she stayed up through the night sewing the damn flag.” She chose not to argue with the preteen, which would have delayed their morning. Instead, she laid out four Betsy Ross blue choices on her bed. “Minutes later,” she says, “she came out in one of those shades.”

Conway follows the same approach with the Republican presidential nominee. Never command. That could insult him. Always make suggestions, backed with information in 10-second sound bites: Betsy Ross lacked turquoise. Female voters want compassion.