Discussion: Trump Repeats 'Miracle' Remark About Police Response To Las Vegas Shooting


The President has claimed twice that the law enforcement response to the shooting was quick. However, it took police a little over an hour to breach the gunmanā€™s hotel room after they received the first 911 call about the shooting, according to reports from NBC News and Newsweek.

Itā€™s a miracle that a person this stupid and obtuse has actually been elected to the highest political office in this country. Trump lies; itā€™s what he does.


ā€œThe Miracle Hourā€ Sunday nights on FOX.


A miracle would be if he shot 250 people and nobody died. This is not that.


I think when the Vegas police chief walked on water across the reflecting pool while directing panicked concert goers was sort of over the top.


Trump is trying to horn in on credit for the police response. In this case, the police response was prompt and professional (at least from what I have seen), but not miraculous. Finding a shooter, especially one who is going from one point to another and is firing from a height, is extremely difficult. That being said, the firing is reported to have lasted for nine minutes, and it took about an hour to find the right room. So it is not like the police were able to stop the shooting, just the shooter.

Typical of Trump. He embodies the Republican motto: Ignorant, and proud of it.


Those in hotel rooms above, below and on the same floor as the shooter called the police immediately. The SWAT team kicked in his door an hour later. Itā€™s a miracle that 911 finally believed the callers or that the shooter grew tired of his blood sport and stopped after ten minutes.

Itā€™s also a miracle that there hasnā€™t been a copycat since then in another city at a sporting event, concert or a downtown street. Trump seems unawareā€¦againā€¦of the real damage and suffering around him.


The only miracle in Trumpā€™s life right now is that 38% of Americans still support his cowardly anti-American fat ass.


The miracle will take place later today when/if he fulfills his promise of ā€œa roll for everybody.ā€

Itā€™ll be the first useful thing heā€™s done in his life.


You are forgetting Trumpā€™s insistence on proportionality as in Katrina being much worse than Maria. WWII worse than WWI.

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Whatever the reason, heā€™s been unable to describe a situation as mostly bad since he took office. Itā€™s bizarre. He seems pathologically forced to find some sort of trite, predictable silver lining. In these situations the word ā€œmiracleā€ as normal people use it means something that was notably less severe in its outcome than you would have expected. This was the worst incident of its kind in modern history. There was no miracle. Just a mentally ill President literally unable to acknowledge that a really bad thing could happen while heā€™s in office.


According to Faux News and Eric Trump.

Trump never learned the same social skills we all did when around people. Heā€™s the guy in school that said the most stupid shit when a few people met up. I have a nephew that has mild Aspberger Syndrome. Sweetest kid. But everyone knows to be very tolerant and understanding when conversing with him, he sometimes responds or volunteers in a manner wholly unrelated to whatā€™s being discussed. At least seemingly so to the outside observer, to him his thoughts make perfect sense.

Pile on Trump being a narcissist, bigot, xenophobe and bully and we have toxic knucklehead with no business opening his pie hole. For President.


A Georgia Pacific Koch Brothers brand no doubt.

Actually, a Mexican lawyer trademarked the product. I donā€™t know where itā€™s manufactured.

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Trump is using the word ā€˜miracleā€™ as act of defiance because some advisors have told him itā€™s awkward. The man is a child.


But, but Obama offended him at a Foreign Correspondentā€™s Dinner. Most people understand that they might be the target of a joke at this event. The diner has been held for decades and its a well known fact. And Donald has attended more of them than Wolf Blitzer and Brian Williams combined.

The problem is that Trump doesnā€™t have a sense of humor or a sense of decency. He will take a grudge to the grave of anyone that looks at him sideways. Bet Jason Aldean unknowingly once did that to the Las Vegas shooter.

I know, Trump doesnā€™t know how to hold a gun so my comparison is stupid. However, if he did, we would all be in troubleā€¦like Donald having access to the nuclear codes maybe?


I initially thought the LVMPD had acted very quickly to stop the killer. As we learn more facts, I think Iā€™m going to dial back that praise a bit. People in the concert area knew immediately that the shots came from above. People inside the hotel called 911 immediately. There was smoke. There was a broken window. Those hotel windows normally canā€™t be opened manually. There are at most 2 sides of the hotel where the shots couldā€™ve come from.

Itā€™s another reason why we need gun control. It puts too much of a burden on law enforcement to expect that they have the capability to act quickly against shooters armed with massive weapons of war in every instance. Itā€™s an impossible burden. 1 man shot 600 people in the span of about a few minutes. The risk to people and law enforcement is too great.


I am running into more and more like that, pride in their ignorance seems a hallmark of the Rā€™s. trump does give them a voice, I suppose like Hitler gave some Germans a voice.



Not saying anything bad about the police response but the shooting had already stopped before they got to the room and they found the room via a fire alarm. Drump is just trying to divert the attention to cops so if you say anything bad about what happened then they can attack you for not being pro police.