Discussion: Trump Rejects Criticism He Waited Too Long To Condemn White Supremacists

How did I not know today was National Relaxation Day? Leave it to trump…

The Australian article is behind a pay wall. Don’t want to give Murdoch any money by subscribing :slight_smile:

Weird… I’m not a subscriber and was able to see the entire article… :no_mouth:

Edit: Got it. Google with “Donald Trump’s bid for Sydney casino killed off by ‘mob connections’” and go from there. I googled for articles after seeing the tweet to confirm it, that’s most likely why I was able to get past the paywall.

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He also said “believe me”. The “excuse me’s” were meant to shut down people asking questions. He asked some of his own and brooked no answers to those questions. To say “rude” is massive understatement. But then manners are foreign to trump. Is my strong dislike for trump showing?
It will be a happy day at Chez darr when trump is out of office and even happier should he get perp walked to jail due to Mueller indictments.


Reading the articles at Vanity Fair tonight, looks like the entire family will be perp walked


Strong dislike? I expect you are being diplomatic.
I abhor him. I loathe him, I despise him.

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I honestly have run out of words to describe the man and my own feelings about him…

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I go through life trying not to wish ill on people or root against people and along comes trump…I can’t …

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I know. Same here.

I have read the individual remarks and responses as they developed. I read the full transcript that was posted here. Decided it was necessary to actually watch the full presser for the historical nature of it to be complete. And there is a lot to be said but it is becoming incoherent.


This is a red-red-red district. Sounds like it’s definitely an improvement.

John Curtis pulled off the win despite being dogged by attack ads from deep-pocketed outside groups in a race whose three candidates were emblematic of the divisions roiling the GOP under President Donald Trump.

Curtis is a former Democrat who was the most moderate of the Republican candidates running in Utah’s 3rd Congressional District, which Chaffetz represented until June when he abruptly resigned, citing a desire to spend more time with family.


Current headline at CNN…

… well, yeah, except that you were fully, 100%, warned (vid clip embedded in the tweet).


I’m surprised he didn’t pick up a folding chair and do a WWF number on a journo.

You mean it can get better ?

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Just my supporters!

A friendly reminder from “Know Your (grammar) Nazi”, it’s ‘sieg heil’


She’s right. It is deplorable. Trump and Pence are deplorable. And all of their enablers and supporters are deplorable. Can we stop mincing our words now? I can’t stand any of them anymore.


Yes. At least she died standing up for the right cause.

Don’t forget that the anti-mobsters are equally bad. There’s badness on both sides.


The Washington Post must be getting under his skin, judging by todays tweet:

And Baltimore cleaning up


As the attacks on him intensify, so will his defensive attacks.

Tired of all this winning yet?

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