It will be news when Trump accepts any criticism or doesn’t try to blame others for his failings.
That wasn’t Trump’s most significant statements. He said “There were some fine people there, just to peaceably protest the removal of a statue.”
Bullshit. This was a “Unite the Right” rally.
Trump described “good people” peaceably marching in protest. He means these people:
Or maybe he means these people:
25th Amendment time!
I could tell and your description was right on.
Crazy as a bed bug after the lindane hits.
I predicted earlier today Trump is getting really close to his Captain Queeg moment!
It’s going to happen.
As fucked up as a chameleon on a kilt.
Jeebus, is he fucked up. He is being fucked up by Mueller, so he’s a bit touchy. Wut a fukwit.
What facts were not available to him on Saturday that would keep him from denouncing neo-nazis.
I wish someone would solve this problem for us. Mueller? Hurry the hell up.
I fault journalists plenty, but this was so chaotic (people screaming over each other, Trump ranting, etc). that I suspect reporters weren’t really following a normal strategy.
My money is on someone at IRS who has access to Trump’s taxes -all the schedules not just the cover pages. We need a Daniel Ellsberg at IRS!
He just lost it on National TV. He looked and sounded like a crazy man. Next he will start flinging sh$t at the reporters.
There is one good thing about Trump’s relationship with Republican “statesmen”: they can’t control him. No matter what they write for him on teleprompter, within a day he will tell the country what he (and those “statesmen”) really think and believe.
With Trump it’ll be “I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt using geometric logic that there was an extra key. They told me it was the mess boys but I know they ate my 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream!”
Don just can’t do it!
He can’t condemn his “party,” his “friends,” his staff - the white supremacists, the neo-nazis, the racists - these are people Don relates to.
He is one of them.
I have never seem such an unhinged performance. I’m surprised he didn’t pick up a folding chair and do a WWF number on a journo.
They just released (MSNBC) a photo of Kelly during this press conference. He is hanging his head and clutching himself. He KNOWS how bad this was in terms of messaging.
I saw it and he was unhinged. “Self-immolation” is very descriptive of what happened.