Oh, for fucks sake, Nambia shares a common border with Pambia!! It’s common knowledge!
To Rump, they’re all the same anyhoo. The purpose of said generic African country to make LOTS of money from having been pillaged.
Trump: Iran/Iraq, Nambia/Zambia, whats the difference?
Ralph, you know the false news can never give the donald credit for being the founder of a country.
and he thinks Leopold was the best ever, believe me.
In his remarks, Trump also said that Africa “has tremendous business potential” and cited his “many friends going to your countries trying to get rich.”
Yes, the old name for these folks was “imperialists”.
Asked to clarify, the White House referred TPM to the National Security Council, which did not immediately respond.
But after a few minutes though said .
Trump is a fucking idiot. You know that !
Don’t set your expectations too high and you wont be disappointed .
Sheesh he was close fercrissakes
It is known.
Nambia…you know. It’s where Obama’s from and where he was when he was wiretapping the shit out of Whiny just before he watched Palestinians jump up and down clapping while the Twin Towers collapsed. Come on, people!..Nambia!
A new day.
A new embarrassment from the leader of the free world.
“Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.”
George W. Bush, during a speech in Göteborg, Sweden on June 14, 2001.
“many friends going to your countries trying to get rich.”
Many white Americans going to Africa to steal any money or natural resources they can get their hands on.
I’m just fortunate that he didn’t say Wakanda.
And they speak Uhuru there, as everybody knows!
This would be comic were it not so pathetic, embarrassing, and stupid. Unfit!
I thought it was right next to Dumbfucktrumpistan.
“Nambia’s health system is increasingly self-sufficient.”
Grand Exalted High Majah: “It’s a nonexistent but very real-sounding country.”
Phil Moskowitz: “Uh-huh.”
Grand Exalted High Majah: “We’re on a waiting list. As soon as there’s an opening on the map, we’re next.”
There’s something coming in over the communicator, Captain.