I guess you showed him who’s a Mad Dog, eh Donnie?
What a petulant, spoiled child!
A war on Christmas, indeed. It will likely last through spring.
No orderly transition! No orderly transition!
YOU’RE the ORDERLY Transition!
Is our children learning yet? At least this time Acting SecDef has been confirmed. Now … about that so-called Acting AG …
No matter what you do Trump, Mattis QUIT on you before you dictated his departure sooner rather later.
How sad
Locked in the East Wing with FOX news on TV, eating fried everything, Fat Donny turns to his unsecured phone, and in his growing paranoia lashes out at everything and everybody that doesn’t somehow affirm his miserable world view of his 71 years on this earth.
Not even the ghosts of Christmas Past can save us from this horror as he is not redeemable.
I know what I want for Christmas, and I already have my two front teeth.
We’re living through very peculiar and perilous times at the moment. Basically, we all know the President is not acting in the best interest of the country, and moreover, is in thrall to foreign countries and acting as an agent of an enemy foreign power or powers. We also know he’s morally defective and completely corrupt, and yet, our Institutions are not permitting us to oust this treasonous moron before he inflicts possible permanent damage to this nation. It’s, of course, the fault of Republicans who continue to defend the indefensible and continue to prioritize their petty partisan agenda over the national security of the country. I suppose that’s why we’ve seen Comey and Mattis, normally relatively even-measured, uncharacteristically, lash out this past week. Just incredibly frustrating and maddening to see this shitshow continue.
Maybe W left him a box of jumbo sized pretzels.
He’s royally pissed off about that letter.
hahahahahahahahahaha Mattis circulated that letter throughout the Pentagon.
Good point here:
That’s how stupid he is. He’s neurotically aware of any form of disparagement on a level he can understand. But when Mattis told him in 10th-grade language that he was destabilizing an international alliance system and his motives were suspect, when it was couched in an octave higher than schoolyard trash talk, he literally couldn’t understand the import of it.
Trump is stupider than anybody can possibly imagine.
No more stinking adults!
Mattis: This is the Best. Christmas. Ever!
Always the class act…
Got to admit the GOP is between a Rock and a Hard Place with Trump and Pence.
Trump excels at making bad things worse. I’m sure Russia and Turkey applaud getting rid of Mattis early.
Pence can be reasoned with.