Discussion: Trump Reacts To Cohen Bombshell Opening Testimony With Usual Insults: 'He Is Lying'

Doofus is having a tantrum - Doofus is having a tantrum .

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Donnie is completely focused on the critical summit with North Korea. He is like a Zen Master in his ability to push all distractions to the periphery.


Why can’t we just say what is happening, to quote Nancy, Trump is “projecting”. Trump is accusing Cohen of what trump does ever single day: lie.


So Donald now will be the day that you’ll finally understand what vetting an employee means. You hired him, you directed him, you brought him into to the organization that you controlled, so the only person you have to blame is yourself. Deal.With.It.


Impeach the motherf*cker then lock him up with the rest of his crime family!


“That Cohen is a lying liar. Too bad he’s not lying for me anymore: he’s picked one hell of time to start telling the truth for a change. The bastard.”


Trump has already viewed the entire hearing because he is in Vietnam where their time zone puts them in the future.


He was just disbarred by the State Supreme Court for lying & fraud. He did bad things unrelated to Trump.

Donald, he’s been disbarred specifically for lying about the bad things he did for you. Maybe you should see if you and Un can continue the summit in NK, as you might not like the US when you get back after his testimony.


Feeling nervous, Donnie?

Said the liar. Who is lying. Again.

I’m getting the popcorn ready…

Well, one of you is lying. My money is on you.

Another panic tweet from the bloated demagogue.

The disloyal bastard.

When you have two liars lying, you have to assess which has more to gain from their lie and we all know that’s Donald.

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I’m sure Cohen is lying simply to improve his chances of getting Trump to pardon him. Yeah, that’s it.

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He’s lying in public? Well, if he lies, 9,999,999,999,999,999 more times he’ll be almost as big a liar as Donnie is.

And this:

Using Crooked’s lawyer!

Yes, yes they are.

easy to resolve Dotard, provide your own testimony to congress under oath with supporting documentation.

damn, the boy who cried wolf only had to lie three times for his comeuppance, this walking constitutional cancer clears that before getting out of bed

time for this nightmare to be over, like 3 years ago