If the Republicans in Congress ever come to the conclusion that they’re better off distancing themselves from him as opposed to supporting him, the velocity and magnitude of their falling away is going to be brutal because I don’t think more than a handful really like the guy in the first place, especially in the Senate. All he does is shit on them when he feels he’s not getting what he wants, and so far he’s been of very little tangible help in getting legislation through.
Paranoia is just narcissism plus terror. And best of all, there are lots of people who really are out to get him.
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It looks like T-rumpus has had enough of Scaramucci hogging all the headlines already…
I’m actually of two minds about the bill. Probably the biggest favor the GOP could do Donald is to make the bill veto-proof. I almost hope they don’t. OTOH, it’d be nice to see who else is so deep in Putin’s or the oil industry’s pocket that they’d vote against it.
Not to mention that they have to defend the indefensible 80 times a day.
Every single day there is something they have to deal with that he caused and I don’t think they’ll get anything done.
Don’t believe his pissing/moaning is for office-holders, really - he wants his mindless minions to put pressure on elected, reluctant repugnicans, imho
Trump being in prison would protect America!
What did Hair Führer demand at the GOP: Special Victims Unit tea party?
More lemmings.
Hey Don, do you hear Putin whining for cover? He’ll no. So pull up your Garanimal slacks and matching sweater/dickie, and be a big boy. For once.
I’m going with lost touch with reality and delusional.
So he’s basically begging for help, but legitimately doesn’t know how to do it because saying “please” was something he never learned
Why would you insult little girls like that?
Why would a President need protection? He mis-represents asskissing as protection. He thinks the more wonderful they tell him he is it’s more protection.This is a clown who shits the bed weekly. He needs circus elephant pooper scoopers to clean up after him. There are still Republicans who prostitute themselves but their group is dwindling. How much can they continue embarrassing themselves? How can you carry his water when he puts a hole in the bucket the next time he tweets?
Trump and the Republicans are inseparable. Trump is the quintessential Republican. What ever he says needs to be tarred onto ALL Republicans.
They are all Donald Trumps.
Good question. And especially one who tells us all the time how powerful he is.
But he has whined about fairness like a fucking 4 year old. This is the one thing I would think his supporters, his loony base, would finally get fed up with. They think he’s such a strong man - whaaaaat? What powerful strong person whines every day that something isn’t fair?
I thought he was the “only one, the only one in the world who could change Washington.” Where’s the change, dude? You’re a big bag of nothing. You got nothing.