Discussion: Trump Rage Tweets At 'Leadership' For Not Securing Border Wall Funds

You mean GOP leadership, right, moron? Ugh, why do I even read this shit …


Speaking of “foolish fights,” you might want to reconsider your entire strategy on the border. And healthcare. And taxes. Oh, fuck it. Just give up already!


For dudes that have completely held all 3 branches of Govt for 2 years now, 2 of them mostly for much longer, they sure seem to have issues getting their shit together.

I’m 100% convinced that Republican incompetence has done more to save the republic than any other factor.


But… There is already a big wall around the most dangerous thing in America… The current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…


Why should we help you waste a bunch of money on the Maginot Line Mark II just cause Putin wants it? When he says '“shit.” we don’t ask “What color?”


Holy god, this fucking week. Back to a selfish, stupid, own-goal shutdown.

Trump’s little Syria shitfit, which is going to get US partners killed and will hamstring our hopes to ally with local forces in trouble regions for a generation, which he did in a fit of pique to pvt the news cycle away from his terrible political troubles at home, which we all just understand to be the case and treat as obvious on its face, which brought him universal condemnation from his own party allies in Congress, lasted for a day.

When I begrudgingly signed the Omnibus Bill, I was promised the 
Wall and Border Security by leadership. Would be done by end of
          year (NOW). It didn’t happen!

Kinda like a contractor getting stiffed by a property owner …


You’re railing against lack of leadership? How would you know? You’ve never shown any.


The “leadership” tried to pound a single fact through that wall-like three-inch cement skull of yours, dingus: You don’t have the votes. You. Don’t. Have. The. Votes. And you can’t get them with tantrums.

ETA ha ha just read Trump talked to Ryan and then tweeted this.


He and Susan Collins can hold a commiseration celebration of the McConnell Promise™.



Donald J. Trump
When I begrudgingly signed the Omnibus Bill, I was promised the Wall and Border Security by leadership. Would be done by end of year (NOW). It didn’t happen! We foolishly fight for Border Security for other countries - but not for our beloved U.S.A. Not good!


World’s Greatest Deal Maker Passes Buck


Personally, if this is winning, I can deal with a bit more of it…


Ann Coulter suxceeds!

15 year old write that they are doing something begrudgingly. Presidents write"
… ‘after they have looked into the matter with key staffers, the president has negotiated with the Senate to pass the budget bill.’

As a veteran I find “We foolishly fight for Border Security for other countries” to be insulting. Do we foolishly die for other countries also? Do we foolishly leave our families behind?
Very patriotic of you, you fat fuck.

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If you want Congress to assist with legislation you negotiate not threaten. Another sign that the man-child doesn’t really grasp the concept of negotiation. Congress doesn’t work for you but for “the people”. Another concept you don’t understand. You will get nothing now except deliver a very NOT Merry Christmas to millions of Americans and look like a fool. Smart folks don’t give into blackmail and it’s very unpresidential to use blackmail like this especially by damaging people’s lives. You are supposed to protect this country and it’s people, not your own ego… I would say “grow up” but that is obviously never going to be an option. Governing by tantrum demonstrates your instability and Wall Street has responded accordingly. Being President does not give you everything you want, you need to be realistic about what is even possible. But, then history (or basic knowledge) is not exactly in your skill set. I haven’t figured out what is, A wall is not exactly popular with a majority of people, nearly 2 out of 3. The majority knows the concept is stupid, bigoted and a waste of money. Why would they give in on this. You are just making your loss much worse. You have no leadership skills but expect others to lead for you. You also need to get over your fear of powerful women but I don’t hold out hope on that one.