Discussion: Trump Puzzlingly Says Clinton Has Been Fighting ISIS Her ‘Entire Adult Life’

What’s puzzling is that some people think this moron is qualified to be President of the United States. He is barely speaking English! “Bigly”?? “Very anti-police judge”?? I’m really pulling for him to have a stroke before the end of the evening.


He just shaved a couple of decades off her age! Way to go Donny.


Has he done something new with his hair?

That is where the moderator should have had a little pants on fire sign light up right behind Trump.
Give him a couple of deceivious answers and a few half truths but this is a flamingly ridiculous claim. It doesn’t need fact checking, it needs a fire extinguisher.

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I believe he is saying “Big League” and has used the term so much it has worn a fissure on his tongue and it comes out ‘Big’Ly’ sounding for all the world like ‘bigly.’ And here is his stroke, just for you.


I am in awe of your Photoshop skillz. I somewhat regret typing that, because I really don’t wish any ill on him, I just want him to go back to being a reality TV host…so I can continue to ignore him. He is a repellent human being, and all of his “temperament” was on full display tonight. Not qualified and not ready to assume the highest political office in the land.


He also has said that she founded ISIS, so she must have done that while she was still in the womb.


He actually said “a very against police judge”

He was into Miss Teen South Carolina territory tonight.


So that’s why Republicans were building all those bomb shelters in the 1950s. ISIS. There you have it.

My Photoshop skillz are “save image as file” of other’s genius. However I do have a gallery

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“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” and/or “Steal from the best!”

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