Discussion: Trump Pushes Ahead Of Clinton In This Month's Nevada Polls

And yet she’s ahead on the TPM electoral vote counter 273-221.

Sorry. I’m still not worried about this election.


And I’m not worried about Nevada. Not at all. Sorry, but Harry Reid ain’t going out like Tom Harkin. Never gonna happen. The Goodmans will find the damn votes in Vegas.


We should be worried every waking moment of the day and be doing everything we can to get HRC elected as a result. The alternative is too horrifying to contemplate.

I’m worried. I’ve been worried for some time now. This election just has a bad feel to it.

Good thing we nominated the “electable” candidate. God knows how bad Bernie would be doing against Trump. /sarc

Yeah, because there’s just no way anyone would be questioning his physical fitness for office, bringing up his wife’s questionable behavior at Burlington University, bringing up his old writings, talking about how he repeatedly voted to fund the wars he hates, talking about his ties to Soviet Russia, etc. Nope, he’d be getting a free pass because Bernie!


In what fucking universe is a reality show clown even close to someone with Clinton’s experience and caliber? Some of this has to fall at Clinton’s feet, or that of her team, because it just shouldn’t be like this. Astonishing.

While Bernie happily poisoned tbe water for Hillary and is currently hiding out out with Waldo nowhere near the campaign trail, Hillary never used any of the stuff against Bernie that could have destroyed him. Class tells. Hillary has it and Bernie doesn’t.


I think we need more quality polling out of NV. I don’t really count Fox, Ras or Insight West in that group. They’re pushing an electorate that looks like 2004. NV’s electorate is 36% minority and Clinton is doing well in Clark County. It’s in Reno where her numbers are a little wobbly. Obama carried Reno by only 3 points and won the state by 6. The Clinton ground game with the help of multiple people from CA have been blanketing the state. I think this is a state that will flip back to Clinton post-debates.


I smell hair burning.

This. I’d wait until a few truly reputable polls come through before announcing a trend. This is one of those periods where Ras and Fox and the myriad of Republican leaning institutions earn their keep, presenting the narrative they want for those paying the bills.

I’ve no doubt things have tightened as they have everywhere, and is historically the case in September. But let’s hear a few more unbiased voices.

You can lay all of that on voters. First and foremost. Hillary Clinton’s greatest foe has always been her own party, particularly liberals and EmoProgs. They’re too convinced that she’s the worst person in the world, and isn’t nearly as entertaining as Trumpo.


Geez, I was just looking at RCP and it’s unbelievable how far off the typical R leaning polls are from literally almost all of the respectable polling outfits.

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And yet most of them will miraculously fall into line just in time for election day. I’ve watched it meticulously these past couple of elections, and it never fails. It may take until the last poll they publish (on the morning of the election), but suddenly Ras will look a lot more like Pew.

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You got that right. I can’t remember where I read it (maybe Nate?) but a pollster was explaining that Ras is great when it comes to Republican primary polling and then they’re terrible, way off from respected pollsters until the last poll of the cycle when they’re typically quite accurate. I wish polling models would weight for that sort of thing because right now they’re showing Trump +5 and that’s throwing off all the models.

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All reliable Democrats would have had no problem voting for Bernie, same as with Hillary.

But in a General election you need more than reliable Democrats to win. You need enthusiasm and momentum and you need to appeal to non-reliable Democratic voters.

Hillary has no appeal to non-traditional and non-reliable Democratic voters. Zilch. None. Zero.

People angry at the establishment could vote for Bernie, can’t vote for Hillary. This is a fact, Jack.

You Echo-Chamber Hill-Bots got what you wanted, now we are all having to face the consequences.

Thanks for your foresight.

The upside of all of this is, if Hillary loses, the progressives will take over the party and the DLC types and Hill-bots, the neoliberal/neocons will be pushed to the bottom or out of the party all together. In 2020 Millenials will be 30% of the vote. It’s all over for DLC types if Hillary loses.