Discussion: Trump Proposes Eliminating National Endowments For Arts And Humanities

My point isn’t to give up…my point is just to get tougher about things. This is a different era, and as much as I like the man, we need a significantly different President than Obama. We really need someone who will take advantage of the new reality of American politics and use it to our and the country’s advantage…and I am fucking sick to death of moderate Democrats and DNC types. They failed us completely.

So can we talk about eliminating tax exemption for churches now?

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You don’t understand, every expenditure by the government (state or federal), must be enacted in an approbation bill by Congress, so this is the budget that Trump has asked the House to pass so I am just asking why his request for his funding of the government does not include his infrastructure plan. It doesn’t matter where the funds are sourced, it still must be placed in a budget and approved by Congress. It doesn’t make sense that Trump would submit a separate budget for every agency or proposal that he wants. One budget for all agencies, including the agency that would include the cost of the infrastructure which is not included in this budget.

Also, tax credits? Really. With a $1.1 trillion budget, which will be over or close to the entire revenue to the U.S. Treasury. SO, we are going to give tax credits to big business that is close to equal the entire total yearly revenue received by the U.S. Treasury for a year.

The politics of purity are not going to win you any elections. We need to grow our base, not reduce it size because…unicorns.

I laid out a plan of action for you, and your response is…“screw that, purity!!”. Which, IMO, is perhaps the most glaring flaw with so many progressives today. No actionable plans, but plenty of belly aching and torches and pitchforks for fellow Dems. They would rather burn the gypsy down the road for not hating Dracula enough, than burning down Dracula himself.

Like this…

WTF does that even mean, besides lots of tough siding vague terms? And perhaps more importantly…you seem to think you need ONE person. One person ain’t gonna cut it, sorry. We need LOTS of people elected to office, locally, at the state level, and in Congress. And once you start wrapping your head around that concept, it should become pretty obvious why the “purity politics of making the tent smaller” is doomed.

Move the freaking needle, don’t just bitch about it not being pure enough for you.

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Winning elections is a means to an end. We won 2 Presidential elections…can you remind me the name of the Supreme Court Justice Obama put on the bench? Did we hold the criminals on Wall St accountable? Electing a Democrat President who plans to take the country 2 steps forward after the last GOP President took us 10 steps back isn’t going to work either.

Bestiality is okay, if it’s hetero.


Late night for you last night?

Sure. Do you want Justice Kagan’s name or Justice Sotomayor’s name?

I was looking for the name of the Justice that turned it from a conservative Court to a liberal…that’s the name I want. Do you have it?

I understand better than you do—first it’s an appropriation-approbation means approval.

Second, the budget is a wish list with no legal force.

Third, Trump has no actual plan for infrastructure improvements. And what he has suggested is just a series of tax credits for big business rather than actual improvements in the domestic infrastructure.

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Ah. If you wanted Justice Mulligan, you should have asked for that the first time.


Awesome work. Thank you for your service.

You might be familiar with some relevant political science research, but, if not, listen to the prologue and Act 1 of this episode of This American Life:

A year ago, we did a story about a study that found that a simple 20-minute conversation could change someone’s mind about controversial issues like gay marriage and abortion. But a few weeks after we aired the story, the study was discredited. A couple of researchers decided to redo the experiment the right way, and released their results this week. …And the results are even more surprising this time around.


Don’t worry. The caring conservatives won’t let that stand. They will put the money back in, but the meal recipients will be required to work at least 12 hours a week and undergo drug testing every 60 days.

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A budget is not a wish list, it is what that the agencies determine what they need to run for the year, then White House combines this budget requirements that they want to fund, then WH sends this valid and truthful request to Congress for approval. Just because Congress has the power to actually determine the funds to be assigned to the agencies, does not make it a “wish list” like a kid’s Christmas wish list.

Thank you Davey.

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Thanks! I do not know how I missed it, but sadly I did.

Just another sign of advancing age…


Thanks for that!