Discussion: Trump Promotes 'Giant, Beautiful, Massive, The Biggest Ever' Tax Cut Plan

“giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest ever in our country, tax cut.”

It appears he neglected to add “for me, suckers.” Then again, “neglect” is his forte.

“It will be rocket fuel for our economy,” he said.

Being that “rocket fuel” is a euphemism for Phencyclidine (PCP) this may actually be accurate.

PCP is considerably more likely to induce psychosis than other dissociatives and is therefore potentially dangerous regardless of setting.


Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, said Trump is a leader “who has made manufacturing the engine of our country.”

If Trump had appeared before the Doughnut Corporation of America, the CEO of that Association would say “Trump is a leader who has made donuts the engine of our country.”


Wanna buy a used car, kid. It’s a beauty. Massive.


Pretty sure they have a look at the introductory remarks before Trump shows up anywhere, and add flourishes like that where needed. If Trump has had any meaningful effect on manufacturing in this country since Jan. 20 I haven’t heard it mentioned.


“Giant, beautiful, massive.” Haven’t we heard that before? Is Trump just reusing an old speech?

“And who’s going to pay for it?”



Never call this “tax reform”. Always refer to it’s a massive tax cut for the super rich, then maybe a few pennies for the rest of us.


Trump, President of Platitudes!

platitude: noun: a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful: “she began uttering liberal platitudes” synonyms: cliché · truism · commonplace · banality · old chestnut · bromide · inanity · banal/trite/hackneyed/stock phrase


“It will be rocket fuel Kool-aid for the economy my Deplorables.”



Keep writing checks Ryan and McConnell can’t cash, pal. Invite the Freedom Caucus for lunch and tell them to shoot for the moon. Make sure Cassidy or whoever goes on a late night show and promises something impossible. What could go wrong?


“The Republican tax plan also recommends a surcharge for the very wealthy.”

No, it doesn’t. It lowers the top tax rate and eliminates the Estate Tax, both of which only help the 1%. Bigly.

The standard deduction would nearly double to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for families, basically increasing the amount of personal income that would not be taxed.

And yet another article fails to mention that the propsal eliminates the Personal Exemption of $4,000 per person. So the prototype “household” - Married with 2 kids, in 2016 received a standard deduction of 12,000 and $16,000 in personal exemptions, a total of $28000 in tax free income. Under the new plan, that same family of 4 receives just the increased standard deduction of $24,000, or in shorthand, pays taxes on an additional $4,000 of income. And to put the cherry on this shit sandwich, that $4,000 will be taxed at 12% not 10%.


“Giant, beautiful, massive…”

I’m waiting for him say “Brobdingnagian”


Aren’t several car manufacturers shutting down plants? I’m sure they rush to open them when folks get that $1000/year tax refund though!


Count the syllables. Not going to happen.


Yes, the “giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest ever in our country, tax cuts” will truly be in the billions, but only for the billionaire Trump, his family, and his other billionaire cronies. According to Trump’s economic advisor Gary Cohn, middle-class families might see a $1000 tax cut and with that money “they could buy a new car or redo their kitchen.”

Yeah, right, And how out of touch are these jackasses?


Trump: Puerto Rico is very very happy now as these tax cuts will help them immensely. They will all get new homes.


Back to - who cares about the deficit.


But if they cut taxes, how are we going to afford to pay for flying cabinet officials hither and yon?

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“It will be rocket fuel for our economy,” he said.

Go look at Kansas - Brownback said his applicaiton of the same Republican bullshit would be “a shot of adrenaline” to their economy. The results were more like a heart attack.


The article, a bit more fawning than I’d expect on TPM, left just one thing out. It’s never going to happen.

Here’s how it goes down these days: Grandiose talk by Trump. Slightly less grandiose talk by Trump. Congress jumps on board then stalls due to a reality check. " we do not have the votes" followed by blame cast in all directions.

Not going to happen. It would break America’s back.