Trump: I encourage each and every friend of mine to use private jets. Mexico and China are paying for it; its free money.
Yep. Tom Price is a different kind of grifter. He’s clumsier and more obvious, for one thing.
Yup. Imagine a Dem doing this. But…IOKIYAR is the rule.
He’s supporting the private jet industry, which was reeling under the socialist tax increases of that kenyan guy.
They have ‘top men’ looking into it.
OT, but did anybody else accidentally catch any of Oprah’s trip to David Broder country to gather up some Just Plain Folks to talk about the terrible divisive division in our country because their cable boxes were misreporting the start time for the new Star Trek show’s teaser episode?
Absolutely maddening. Especially the woman who says she voted for Bush twice, voted for Obama twice and voted for Trump, almost in tears pleading about “can’t we just give this president a chance?”
“Why don’t you check your records before you make a statement."
It also bothers me when a reporter just makes stuff up, plucks it from thin air and throws it at the President. Did you catch the next question? Geez. "Mr. President, why are there wildebeest roaming the White House lawn?!"
Shit just comes out of nowhere. Amazing.
Mr. Secretary:
So you say you’re gonna cool it with flying until the whitewash is dry.
Tell ya what.
Somebody’s gotta start the “25 in 17” campaign rolling.
Pick up the phone, start making some calls, pull everyone together, help us get rid of the Commander-in-cheat.
After that, you’ll be such a hero you can fly to the moon–it’s where you belong.
I’ ll call Musk personally.
All ya gotta do is betray a “friend”.
I’m sure that’s happened many times.
I thought those “top men” were still in Hawaii looking for Obama’s birth certificate.
I guess Price didn’t get the memo that only the Trump family is allowed to scam the taxpayers.
The Republican’s would be looking into it for the next 4 or 8 years.
Oh yeah . Nearly threw a shoe through the tv
Getting all fair and balanced on us
Ignoring the fact that the evenly split panel does NOT represent the support of Trump . That woman is one of the 30% who stick thier fingers in their ears and go lalalalalal. The dick who said “I’m so sick of the Russia scandal, what difference does it make”
They never asked the most important question. "Trump voters what other news source do you watch other than Faux news?
Their answers to many of the questions were regurgitated Faux talking points . Should have asked that lady if she watches “Give him a chance” Hannity
Well gosh darn you betcha’ it’s different. IOKIYAR.
“We’re looking into it. And we’ll start as soon as I can figure out how magnets work.”
Munchin and Price are capos in the Trump crime family!
“can’t we just give this president a chance?”
He’s been given more chances than a Sunday church raffle.
Um, no, darling. No more chances.And BTW, go fuck yourself.
I can show you what the headlines would have been:
Trump’s definition of “different” is my definition of "corrupt."
Trump is so delusional he thinks the “top men” at the end of “Raiders Of The Lost Ark” are real and work for the White House: