That is an incredibly bad-faith reading of Tlaib’s remarks, deliberately twisting them to claim she said the opposite. The Anti-Semitism wasn’t in the original comment, it was in Scalise and Cheney’s diseased minds.
Pelosi really needs to have Tlaib’s back on this one – unconditionally.
She, and the entire Dem leadership, have to call out Cheney’s hatemongering – and then point out her hypocrisy for not calling out Trump’s anti-semitic statement.
In other words, turn this around – Make this about Trump saying that American Jews are more loyal to Isreal than they are to the USA. Pelosi needs to stand up and say something like
"And to America’s Jewish population – Unlike Donald Trump and his party, the Democratic Party recognizes that you are Americans first and foremost – and that you recognize that Benjamin Netanyahu is NOT you’re prime minister, because America does not have a prime minister. "
Remember the Crew of the U S S LIBERTY 6-8-67
I realize everyone tires of the Right twisting Tlaib’s words to paint her as antisemitic. But geez, saying “There’s, you know, there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust…" as part of any commentary is just asking for it.
Try this on your ears and tell me you’d be outraged if someone “twisted” it to paint you as insensitive:
“You know, there’s a kind of calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki…”
Donald J. Trump has no moral authority. Zip. None. Nada. Zero. He is demented and corrupt.
Neo Nazis attacked a Holocaust remembrance ceremony in rural Arkansas including a GI who liberated the death camps. The likes of Trump, Cheney and Scalise aka David Duke sans baggage say nothing but find the time to grossly distort the words of a freshman congress member.
there is a difference between saying “I know you didn’t mean this, but the way you phrased it is inappropriate” and the hate-mongering that Cheney and the GOP are engaged in.
So stop focusing on bad phrasing, and concentrate on the hate.
Democrat Rep. Tlaib is being slammed for her horrible and highly insensitive statement on the Holocaust. She obviously has tremendous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. Can you imagine what would happen if I ever said what she said, and says?
Any person willing to actually think for a nanosecond would see the tRoll for what it is.
And ignore tRump’s daily efforts to crate division and chaos to detract from whatever he’s failing at in the moment. In this case the China tariffs are backfiring, Wall Street is down about 600 points.
“You know, there’s a kind of calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki…”
“… and that after the war our unit was able to treat some of the victims of radiation poisoning.”
I think when we condemn people not for what they said but for what they might be misrepresented as saying, we’re shaving down the First Amendment in an unacceptable way:
Congress shall … exercise … abridging the freedom of speech …
Or, the alternative. Knowing your opposition, have your prepared remarks reviewed and vetted by competent staff, taking care to make your point while at the same time eliminating phrases or sentences offering the most obvious fodder for your opponents to misrepresent.
It is possible to express thoughts cogently while at the same time avoiding the pitfalls inherent in political discourse, even factoring in the most hateful and disingenuous wanting to pounce on your every utterance.
Holocaust. Calming feeling. Same sentence.
That’s political malpractice.
GOP support for Holocaust awareness is touching.
In today’s climate, Reps. like Tlaib have got to think two steps ahead when they reference a hot button issue. Of course, we see what she’s saying but it’s just not enough for her to say, “The truth will always win.” If she hasn’t learned the art of messaging and how it’s going to be perceived by a variety of people then she’s going to have to fight on her own.
I only differ with this 'cuz I couldn’t ignore those Pullman porters following every R leader around.
Some good people showed up at a Holocaust memorial event this weekend didn’t they?
Impeachment would focus Trump a little more. This is just a big-mouth-with-a-mike moment which will add a few to the Base and subtract a few.
Let’s get the dirt OUT on Trump and let him deal with THAT. In those scenarios in which he is attacked by powerful people he folds like spaghetti.
no its not.
but what you are doing is hatemongering. You are blaming the victim here – because you are demanding that she, as a muslim woman, go infinitely further out of her way to avoid making statements that can be taken out of context. Virtually ALL statements can be taken out of context – the GOP has chosen to use that weapon specifically against Muslim Americans – and you are enabling them.
So check yourself.
Yes, and it was a joyous and festive celebration.
Oh wait, I didn’t mean to put it that way. I’m starting to sound like Rashida Tlaib.
On this one you are wrong. You can’t let the haters win. Her comment wasn’t anti-Semitic. Full stop. Twisting it to be is on the Republicans, not her.