Discussion: Trump Physicist Compares 'Demonization' Of Carbon Dioxide To 'Jews Under Hitler'

A Trump physicist? Did he get his PhD from Trump U?


Praps the good scientist (bless his heart) would prefer to breathe carbon dioxide instead of oxygen?

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Here we have solid proof that not all college professors are libtards.

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Next thing they’ll be saying they should have their own schools!


This is just nonsense. The scientific consensus on the impact of increased CO2 concentration and global warming is irrefutable , as is the persistence of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere. We are at 415 ppm now vs. 280 ppm in the beginning of the Industrial Age. The true impact of this increase will not hit us for another 200 years.

Further, the World’s energy is dependent on burning fossil fuels - nuclear and non-emission power constitute less than 10% of energy production - the same % as 20 years ago. We are not making much progress on ending fossil fuel burning. Biomass helps a little, but not much since you are still burning something to create power, which pours more CO2 into the bathtub.

We need to do much more to move to non-emission power sources quicker, and to capture CO2 in flue gas which can be done with today’s technology. We also need to commit to a comprehensive geo-engineering approach to directly control the Earth’s energy balance, (like SRM) and that takes commitment, research
and resources.

It is also a global effort - Trump, ultimately doesn’t have much to say about it. He can just make the US look stupid for a couple more years with his washed up hack “scientists”, Sad, as the Donald would say.

Fortunately, climate science has been an international effort coordinated by the UN’s IPCC for the last decade. Most US based climate scientists work for academia and the government has little to do with their research.


So carbon dioxide is Jewish. I had no idea - you just can’t tell from the names these days.

How many elements from the table are Jewish?


Please stop tempting me to make really offensive jokes.


That’s not on me! hahahahahaha See the propaganda thread - you are a grown up and it’s your free choice if you make offensive jokes.

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well that would certainly explain a lot.

The Manhattan project relocated to Oak Ridge in 1943. At that point, its doubtful that the facility was able to completely contain all the radiation from the isotopes it was working with…

So little Happer probably got a brainful of it…

I know the feeling. I love tasteless jokes, and this story is a veritable Comstock Lode of them…

but I won’t mine them…


Nemo, that is the pithiest response ‘ever’ and I salute you.

And obviously his opinion on the issue has not changed if he is putting together a climate denial panel.


People hate to change their minds…especially when they are wrong. See Dunning-Kreuger Effect.


Happer is a disgrace to the field of physics…

He sold his soul years ago…

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These guys praise CO2 because they’ve clearly been starved of anything needed for the brain to function


Bazinga! hahahahahahahahahahaha

By ignoring the dangers to the lives of 7 billion people, the Republican conservative movement has firmly established itself as the greatest evil on earth. Ever.


I’ll be sure to pay my respects at the CO2 memorial next time I’m in Washington.

And now I feel dirty even joking about this…


Hey, as long as they’re here legally I don’t have a problem …

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I got news for you …

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