It’s about “winning” and loving of the game. Plus being a US Congressman or Senator is a great job.
Brian Ross is a pompous asshole and the United States will be better off while he is suspended and when he is no longer a high ranking official at any major US network.
I find it hard to believe that people in the stock market have not figured out already that Trump’s presidency is going to end badly and traumatically, and worked it into their short and long term strategy.
I am not a student of the stock market or investors’ nerves, but I cannot think of any single sector of our economy that would go into a swoon over confirmation that Trump is a fucking crook who stole the election in cahoots with Russian Intelligence.
Under their line of reasoning – americans should sue trump and the GOP for deliberately causing our healthcare premiums to skyrocket in 2018. Now millions of americans can no longer afford the premiums nor the penalty because they cannot afford to purchase a policy. Everyone in the country negatively affected should send copies of their medical bills marinated in bodily fluids to trump, McConnell and Ryan.
To be fair, using the ‘best’ words can be tricky sometimes.
Trump’s behavior over the past week is most assuredly that of an innocent man. And I’m the Nawab of Bengal.
Question for you, Donnie. When they find that you did instruct Flynn to contact Russia and the stock market tanks 750 points, can we sue YOU, dumbfuck?
Well that trump lawyer created fake news discovery didn’t take long to dispel. Then ABC looks just as stupid running around firing people for reporting it and dives right into a big pile of trump.
And clearly a Nattering Nabob of Negativism.
Authoritarian wannabee.
How about if I sue Donald Trump every time I lose money? Would make about as much sense
The stock market will rise when that happens. Capital asset owners would get Pence, and he’d say the confusion and uncertainty meant it was time for another tax cut monstrosity full of loopholes.
(I see that the Senate bill contained an error allowing people to tax the maximum deduction for property taxes whether you owe that much or not.)
That’s a start but doesn’t seem hardly enough. The risks we’re running, it’s nuts. There has to be some sort of pathology strongly at work.
He’s on a mission. Just when you think he can’t get any worse…
the sun comes up and he proves us wrong.
It will only get worse as he tries to deflect and change the conversation as the walls close in.
Watch what they do not what the trained monkey is doing.
That’s why McConnell and Ryan love him so much .
Useful Idiot
The problem is these people aren’t on Lockup. They occupy positions where we see the Uniform first, and we’ve never had to deal with this type of impunity.
That’s why they feared two of their own as President. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul - true political ideologues with some brains. Trump. a complete blank slate and a “trained monkey” who’ll fling his feces and be satisfied.
I’m hoping he moves on to the “tie dyed” emails soon.
A most excellent compilation.
It would make as much sense. This has been a delusion he’s had for more than a year now. He really thinks she was dunking hard drives in acid. Or maybe he thinks e-mails are little bitty objects you can put in a bucket. I have no idea what goes on in that magpie’s nest of a brain.
Markets reacting to news stories is just more evidence that stock prices are based on speculation as to what might happen more than the actual value of the companies that issue stock, or the state of the economy as a whole. Funny money that is not real until sold.
And he’s an international “useful idiot” at that.