Just like Dotard, killing intelligence with every breath he takes…
Guilty as Sin
Who did he get the tremendous response from? This guy?
Maybe this guy?
“Very, very important. I’ve had a tremendous response for having done that.”
‘Tremendous response’ – like he’s being cheered at a rally.
It sounds like he’d characterize an appointment with the guillotine as his apotheosis.
Well somebody has to do it!
“I know I’ve gotten tremendous (negative) response from having done that, because security clearances are very (un)important to me,” he said. “Very, very (un)important. I’ve had a tremendous (negative) response for having done that.”
Yes Donald, yes. It was good that you sent Brennan to the cornfield! Very very good!
I seem to remember the last time a new administration ignored and/or didn’t call upon the past administration per concerns about terrorism and national security - they apparently saw no need to tap into deep resources and experiences to get up to speed in assessing current and shifting threats.
Then long after it was too late the mantra was “No One Could Have Predicted,.”
Doesn’t that make us all feel safe? Then add that it is now clear that Trump gets most of his ideas from Fox and Friends and Sean Hannity and… ~um excuse me I just had a wave of nausea sweep over me…
“I know I’ve gotten tremendous response from having done that, …"
From the several voices and phantoms inside his head. Trump’s invisible people.
Obstruction of Justice is one thing …
When he begins to yank them from those who were still on the job
during the investigation process …who may be called to testify …
That is tampering with witnesses —
The man has NO IDEA what he is doing …
He got several phantom phone calls and letters. Many people are saying it was a tremendous thing to do. So strong, so damn manly.
Watch for it
This story is running attached to a banner (Breaking News) that Trump says he is about to pull Bruce Ohr’s clearance “very Quickly”
He is edging closer and closer to just repeating the same words over and over - every time I look in his eyes, I see the same gaze my father-in-law had when he was starting to show serious dementia. If he survives and runs for re-election, it is going to be a shit-show nonpareil in the history of American shit-shows.
The man has NO IDEA what he is doing …
He epitomizes the adjective “thoughtless” on multiple literal and figurative levels.
You know, Trump only hires the best demons, phantasms, and hallucinations.
Original maxim: “You can’t change the spots on a leopard.”
Variation of original maxim: “You can’t change the spots on a pig.”
Notice he doesn’t acknowledge that the tremendous response has been mostly critical of his action.
He got this one from Rand Paul. In fact, Randy’s is one of the tremendous responses he’s had.
I.e., Sean Hannity