It will be trivial to get Trump going ballistic again. Just mention any of the following…
- his small hands
- Trump U
- why he read from a teleprompter
- he’s not really a billionaire
- ask him to name some people who treat him unfairly
he’ll take the bait and go nuts. He can’t help himself.
“I like to say what it is, and so many people are now seeing that this whole thing is a disgrace,” Trump said.
That’s true. When Trump speaks, it is often disgraceful.
He went into more details about the case, despite the fact that a statement his campaign released earlier Tuesday said he would not be discussing the lawsuits any more.
Because of course he did. Anal expulsive.
The thing is, this was entirely an unnecessary collection of statements, accomplishing nothing much other than negating the effects of the “subdued” speech given earlier…see below:
["Donald Trump gave a relatively subdued primary night speech Tuesday notable not because it marked any landmark wins (as the last GOP candidate standing, he was expected to win all of the night’s contests), but because it came after a week of controversy over Trump’s attacks on a federal judge.
On Tuesday, after facing heavy criticisms from even his fellow Republicans, Trump read what sounded like as close as he’s gotten to a typical stump speech. He also did not take questions from the press."]
“I will tell you, it’s a little disappointing, some of the Republicans, and in all fairness, there’s some of the people that I went through war with, and I won, and there’s a lot of anxiety there. There’s a lot of anger, I guess, anger,” Trump said. “They just can’t come back, they can’t get over it.”
Trump has retreated to his comfort zone – beating up on fellow Republicans in the GOP primary. It’s a good strategy, if your goal is to win the majority of a minority of the electorate.
We are entering uncharted political waters, Emeliano. Here be dragons!
Trump: A true sociopath if I ever saw one.
I finally found a statement where I’d have to agree with you, Donnie.
Of course, I also don’t think you truly understand what the truth of those exact words mean, in context.
Buenos noches mi amigo. Ahora tengo que llamar por teléfono a mi hija en Yakima.
Who had 7 1/2 hours in the “I’m through talking about the case” pool?
The crump won’t stop inserting feet into mouth. He’s used to have his way always. The next five months will be very interesting.
I don’t entirely see them as small, tiny baby hands so much as they appear vestigial.
Hadn’t really considered vestigial hands to be a thing, but life is always learning about new things, I guess.
It is interesting that his response here is classic: “Other people can’t accept my magnificence.” “I beat them and they are angry and jealous of me.” “They envy my success because they are losers.” There is not even a hint of self-awareness; no clue that any of this could possibly be his fault; all criticism of him is unjustified because … well, just because.
A speech delivered from a Country Club. Says it all.
Seems to me the Republicans aren’t happy they’re going to lose the White House again, but they’ll dump Trump if that’s what it takes to save seats in Congress.
No sense showing the Donald [this][1].
Apologies to Josh & company.
"They have to get over it "?
Is that what he told Ivana after he tore her hair out and raped her?? I guess we need to check the sworn deposition that Trump’s trying to bury.
“Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander-in-chief.” - Sec. Clinton
Yeah. That campaign-handler crafted statement was rendered non-operational less than 8 hours after it was issued.