Discussion: Trump On Releasing Mueller Report: Up To Barr, 'Wouldn't Bother Me At All'

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I’d definitely be chomping at the bit to get the feds to release a detailed investigation into me that explicitly says it does not exonerate me. I can’t see how that could backfire.

Poor guy plays tic-tac-toe on a 1x1 board.


“Wouldn’t bother me at all…”

(Aside to secretary – get me Barr on the damned phone so I can tell him to ***not release the damned report no matter what!!!***)


So in public “It wouldn’t bother me at all.” In private to Barr, “Never let it out.”


I said this when he first started saying he’d be fine with having the report released. Standard Trump smoke and mirrors. “I’d be happy to testify in person, but it’s up to my lawyers” followed by “Oopsy I guess they didn’t want me to testify. I wanted to!”.

Same with releasing his taxes, same with everything else.

One potential slight backfire this time is now Congressional Democrats are quoting him, saying hey Trump has no objection to us seeing the whole report.


Of course he says this…he hasn’t seen it (or, more to the point, been told by someone what’s in it in dumbed-down terms he can understand) and it’s BARR’s job to obstruct it coming out, not his. It’s why he hired Barr and Barr is doing what he was hired to do to a T. His tone about it will shift greatly once he understands (to the extent he’s capable) what’s in it.

Don’t get your hopes up on seeing the thing. Seriously.


Wouldn’t be a howl if this is 14 dimensional chess to get the White House Infant to praise the Mueller operation he previously panned.

Only to be caught when the REAL, damaging-to-him report comes out?


Being as this story isn’t worth a comment, is this NY seat safe for Democrats?

Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) announced on Monday that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and will not seek reelection in 2020

My neighbor had Parkinson’s. You have my best regards Joe. First Udall, now Joe. Have a bad feeling more will be coming.

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Translation: “Burn it – QUICKLY!!!”


People need to admit the possibility that Trump’s conduct (and the conduct of those in his orbit) was merely conniving and unpatriotic, but not specifically illegal (at least within the narrow Russia/obstruction lane). If we’re not able to even conceive of this possibility, we’re not inhabiting the fact-based universe anymore.

Of course, if the report is eventually released, “extremely damaging” is possible simultaneously with “not criminally liable”.

I highly recommend Lawfare’s writings from over the weekend. Please, no conspiracies about “the REAL report”.


When I first read Barr’s letter the weasley words were clear to me…

This is a good rundown.

No way trump really wants this report out.


Just like how he would love to show his tax returns, but it just wasn’t up to him wink wink.


Yes. I can live with the fight time if we can get the report out before the coming elections. If it’s a little closer it ain’t so bad…

Also Trump: already warned Barr to bury this thing IF he doesn’t want to ride the Comey/Sessions express out of DC…


He has the power to order the AG to release the report (with require redactions for the public ver at least). Yet i don’t see him calling for that.


When the fix is in, it’s easy to say …


Yes, he represents the Bronx- As safe as can be.

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We knew that from the beginning. Barr isn’t likely to do anything that would lead his boss to say any of the things that were said about Sessions – the boss made it very clear what was expected when he said, “If I’d known he was going to recuse himself, I’d have never hired him.” You can go all in on the bet that Barr fully understood what his mission was when he accepted the nomination.


We need the Democratic nominee to call out all of Trump’s BS and lies. He or she should do this in the first Presidential debate.

With all of the other sensitive information he’s vomited out (highly classified info to Russia, removing as-yet unapplied sanctions, etc, etc), releasing this report should be a layup for Trump, and he has the authority to do it.

But I’m not holding my breath.