Petulant slob says what?
That explains the knee pads.
When a know nothing coward goes up against a KGB agent the know nothing coward cowers.
Yes master will be the most used words.
Theresa May said that Slobo-Don told her to sue the EU over Brexit. Sue them. That’ll fix 'em.
“And then he stared up into the sun for a while. It was most odd.”
So the Russian meeting at the Golf Course has come to this conclusion, which is probably a lie.
Oh Lordy the man complains why too much. The man gripes about how other countries treat us unfairly, and yet nothing is as unfair as meddling in another country’s election. Where are the borders with what is acceptable?
Oh the irony of this man blaming someone for being attacked is so lost on him. It’s OK to attack a Gold Star family because why?
Spoken like a true Ballchinian …
Trump also says he “hadn’t thought” about asking Putin to extradite the dozen Russian military intelligence officers indicted this past week in Washington on charges related to the hacking of Democratic targets in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but says “certainly I’ll be asking about it.”
Well, of course he hadn’t. He’s admitting he’s not the President of these United States of America. No real President would ever behave this way. It’s only about Trump and his crime family.
This was an act of war and Trump is standing down. Just another impeachable offense added to the list.
No worries…the rest of us have zero expectations and I am certain we won’t be disappointed when they are met.
“Well, I might,” Mr. Trump said when Glor asked about possibly extraditing the Russians. “I hadn’t thought of that. But I certainly, I’ll be asking about it. But again, this was during the Obama administration. They were doing whatever it was during the Obama administration.”
Also, “I do believe in meetings”
Not going with high expectations? Bullshit. He knows as well as we do that Putin will be giving him an update on the 2018 election interference plan. And a new set of instructions. You can’t tell me you’re not excited about that, president idiot.
“Nothing bad is going to come out of it (Helsinki), and maybe some good will come out,” he said.
So then, what, exactly, is the point of these “meetings” if not to receive orders going forward from his superior? This (and everything else Rump does, for that matter) is such a disgrace I don’t think words have been invented yet to describe it.
Mr. Trump also insisted the Republican National Committee had superior cybersecurity systems to the DNC’s, and that is why the DNC was hacked. “And I heard that they were trying, or people were trying, to hack into the RNC too,” the president continued. “The Republican National Committee. But we had much better defenses. I’ve been told that by a number of people. We had much better defenses, so they couldn’t. I think the DNC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing themselves to be hacked. They had bad defenses and they were able to be hacked. But I heard they were trying to hack the Republicans too. But – and this may be wrong – but they had much stronger defenses.”
This statement seemed to came out of nowhere. Oh, you know that the RNC was hacked, Bigly hacked. Count on it
Yes, he is going with expectations of going low. (Probably the most realistic thing I have ever seen attributed to him.)
That makes 260 million of us.
Medical Note: You should get that growth looked at, Donnie.
One expectation, Donnycakes – Daddy spank!
My expectations for this summit are as follows:
Dump will yammer about his golf game and tell the story of his bigly election victory three or four times. Putin will try to get him to give away Ukraine and the Baltics and return his oligarch booty, but end up in a vodka soaked depression that he wasted so much time trying to manipulate a flea-brain. Dump will then toss out some beautiful, tremendous word salad, declare victory and jet back home to the adulation of the slavering red caps. And in a month, it will become obvious to everyone that this entire trip was entirely pointless.