Discussion: Trump on Oregon College Shooting: 'These Things Happen'

Trump is not a timid little mouse, he’s a mouthy big rat!

“What are you going to do?” Trump said. “That’s the way the world works, and that’s the way the world always has worked.”

And this is certainly the best of all possible worlds, eh, Pangloss?

I was wondering if the Republicans have an answer for anything? Obamacare won’t work, but they have no answer as what will. The nuclear treaty with Iran win’t work but they don’t say what they would do. And now gun control won’t work but they have no answer as to how to stem the kilings in our schools. Why the hell are they trying to get in power in the country if they have no solutions to any peoblem we have?

Now see? That’s exactly what I am talking about

There is no history of that ever happening. And certainly not on a grand scale of multiple candidates. But, immediately, we give them that power by putting stuff like that out there.

The monster under you bed is only scary if you believe its there.

“What are you going to do?” Trump said. “That’s the way the world works, and that’s the way the world always has worked.”

So instead of being the comforter in chief as St RayGun, or even to try anything good or bad, wise or foolish, Trumpter will just SHRUG…

Because they want the power. It’s like GWB and his constant use of the excuse that “no one could have imagined” X would happen. I used to always think, well, you need to get some folks around you with better imaginations.