Transl: “I got played like a fish, but with my 90-second attention span, by tomorrow I’ll have forgotten, and by Friday I’ll be claiming it was a win. Next question.”
He looks happy.
Well, stable genius, if we wanted to hear from somebody who has no damn idea what’s going to happen, we could listen to any one of 10,000 vapid TV newsies doing a standup in front of a fire scene or a pollution site or a schoolyard winding up with “Will this happen, or will that happen? Only time will tell. This is ____ ____ of XXXX News.” But of course that’s really all you are, isn’t it? Just a dude who runs his mouth on TV on and on and never says a damn thing. Clown.
“… Or not. You tell me. Stay tuned. I think you will be surprised in about a week. Could be good, could be bad, I don’t know. That’s up to Kim. But it will be good I think, right Mike? Or not.”
He’s got to figure out who he’s going to throw under the bus. McMaster (though he’s gone), Kelly, or someone else.
Trump is auditioning for a new reality show,which will be called Kim and Him,or the Greatest Waffler.
“We’ll see what happens.” One of Trump’s favorite stock responses. That and, “Thank you,” with a murderous expression on his face when he doesn’t want to answer questions. Why do I think Trump’s not at all grateful?
Yeah. It’s almost as if that “so-called” tough negotiator who insists he wants to meet face to face with the NoKo dictator and then he can make a great deal apparently doesn’t want to meet the NoKo dictator fact to face.
And when he’s really feeling poisonous he says “You’ll see what happens.” Like he’s withholding his omniscience to teach the worms questioning him a lesson.
Seems as if Trump is experiencing maximum pressure from Kim?
This doesn’t mean he might not get his Nobel Peace Prize does it? I guess we’ll see.
Heh. Kim’s playing him like a fish. Like they said about Marlo Stanfield on “The Wire,” “He’s cold, but he ain’t stupid.”
Jesus! How long will we have to put up with this shit?
I’m waiting to see what happens when Mueller finishes his investigation.
Time will tell.
“Trump on Wednesday resorted to his usual waffling when asked whether the summit with North Korea was still set…”
How waffle for Donnie! He batter realize NoKo’s playing him. And leggo those dreams of a Nobel Prize.
(I’ll show myself out.)
It’s been surreal seeing everyone go through the slow paces of watching Trump learn about the Korean conflict in real time (some of them are pretending they didn’t know all this too).
-First he realized China doesn’t actually control the Korean peninsula
-Next he realized Kim can’t really be intimidated by bluffing
-Then he realized Kim is open to negotiation
-…but Kim wants to do it on his own terms, and agreeing to a meeting with the US president isn’t really an accomplishment
-Someone probably explained to him that the “deal” he offered to Kim has been on the table for decades
-Kim shutting down his test site is an elaborate show and his father has done it before
-Kim isn’t getting rid of his nukes just because the US president tweeted some threats
Yesterday the WH was surprised by NoKo’s reaction to joint military exercises. Followed by Kim threatening to pull out of the whole thing with ten tons of shade thrown at Bolton. It is a diplomatic pantsing by NoKo of Trump
“Time” will tell?
Gee, Donald, from your track record I thought it would be FoxNews.