Discussion: Trump On Iran Threat: They Were 'Dying' Before US Made Them A 'World Power'

Trump doesn’t understand shit about Iran. A country doesn’t recover from sanctions in 20 minutes as he seems to think.


Do you ever wonder what world The Donald lives in? OK, OK, that was rhetorical.


The Apprentice?
Trump seems to think being POTUS is like being the all powerful CEO of Corporation America. He’s in for a very rude shock should he get elected.

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OHbummer AND HITLAry made IRAn great. THe PROblem IS ISIS. We make IRAN great and THEN they hELP SYRia AND Russia HELPA Syria. WHY Not FOCUS on ISIS???


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And more WTF???

I’ve been hearing from the GOP establishment that “in one year” Iran will have a nuclear weapon. If they were dying then how could that have happened? As for Iran being a “world class power” he really doesn’t know what he’s taking about. Which is PAR FOR THE COURSE.


What made Iran a power – regional, not world – was the Iraq War that removed the best check on their ambitions, Saddam Hussein. Without that constant knife in their sides, they could focus on other efforts.


Remember when Iraq had the 5th strongest army in the world?

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HITlary BRAGs aBOUT sending SEALS to BLOW Up BIn LAden. No Water IN PakisTAN. Where’s PEta? CRUEL AND saD!!!


The final bullet went into Bin Laden’s brain just as Obama was telling a joke about Trump. Obama was sending a message to Trump.

Trump just said Israel has been lying for years.


Mr. Trump. You know a lot about Iran, it seems.
Would you point to Iran on this map, please?


Some people visit the same planet, but skilled doctors, a loving support network and a targeted regimen of pharmaceuticals retrieves them.

***Trump can do about anything in the blink of an eye. It's only going to take him the first 60 minutes after being inaugurated to deport several hundred thousand illegal immigrants with criminal records:***

At one point Trump, after spending minutes painting Mexican immigrants as criminals, said, "My first hour in office – those people are gone," Trump promised the crowd. "The crime will stop." 

Donald Trump tells Arizona crowd he supports "zero tolerance for criminal aliens" https://t.co/YH5fHp2GLr https://t.co/huOZYd5nfR

— CNN (@CNN) September 1, 2016

What a freaking idiot.

Lets stipulate he is right and Iran was dying because of sanctions.

What the hell does he think the 70+ million Iranians are gonna do when they live in a country that is being killed because of sanctions?

This is why ISIS wants him to be President.


It would be interesting to hear trump’s solution to the murder rate in Chicago.

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Just like President Obama is both the weakest president ever and a tyrant (at the same time!), Iran is dying and on the verge of a nuclear weapon.

Republican logic, at its finest.


Let the police open fire at will on anyone who looks like they might be a criminal. It’s simple!

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And it’s not like he knows what he’s talking about and just trying to fool people, he’s just as clueless as the folks he’s talking to.

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