Nothing like having a scandal-ridden, power-abusing term in office starting on Day One.
I can’t wait for the Donnie and victim depositions, along with the eventual release of “The Apprentice” out-takes…
Best news that I’ve heard yet!
GoP intends to replace Affordable Care Act (aka ACA or ObamaCare) with get this, Healthcare Savings Account (HSA)!
Wow, HSA is going to really put healthcare in reach of all Americans?!
Vote for the dumb GoP if you choose to believe in that! But the majority of the citizens KNOW HSA is not an ideal replacement to ACA!
GoPers, you need to go back to the drawing board and RETHINK your conservative policies!
I think Dishonest Don was talking about what he intends to do during President Clinton’s first hundred days. And as @maximus notes, I can’t wait for depositions and subpoenas for the Apprentice raw footage and DD’s fighting to keep that material out of court.
Is there a law against definition of character?
Why wait? If Trump’s “sterling” reputation has been impugned, surely he should go ahead and file … or does he think that once be becomes POTUS that he suddenly becomes emperor of the universe. The man truly has no relationship with reality. However I do admit to being fascinated with his public disintegration. More popcorn, please.
[quote=“the_lone_apple, post:6, topic:45651, full:true”]
Is there a law against definition of character?[/quote]
There will be if Trump wins. He’ll make certain of that.
Trump: Vote for me! I’ve got some scores to settle.
Donnie better find an attorney who can handle Donnie being hit with class action lawsuits, as I imagine we’ve only seen the very beginning of the list of Donnie sexual assault victims.
How Presidential of him. Clearly, he’s pivoting now.
‘Revenge against women who spurned unwanted advances’ sounds like the ideal issue to appeal to his base.
I hope every GoP sees this, because this is EXACTLY what Donald J Trump is promising his followers!
Make them eat RATS for breakfast, lunch and dinner! That will be your three (3) square meals per day!
“Four whores and seven wives ago (he has several teenage girls that he considers wives but doesn’t have to pay alimony to)…”
That could be legal first – a class action lawsuit against an individual for sexual harassment. It boggles the mind…
Here’s what I posted on another thread watching the speech live…
1 in 5 Americans who are working age are out of work (that’s 20% percent unemployment – who knew?)
Voter registration = voter fraud (citing Pew Research stats about registration roles with dead people on them or where the system hasn’t caught up.)
Hillary should have been precluded from running for office because the FBI and the Justice Dept. covered up her crimes
The dishonest mainstream media is also a major part of the corruption… because they make me look bad. They never show the massive crowd size but they talk up Hillary’s small crowds.
3 highly respected national polls said we were in 1st place… but the media refuses to talk about it to suppress the Trump
His administration won’t allow ATT to buy Time-Warner which includes CNN… now going off on Bezos & Amazon… and now Comcast & NBC – and we’ll break them up because…
Now – all the women who came forward lied – and will be sued after the election.
I have unlimited resources to fight back… look at what they’ve done to you.
Now on to “paid DNC operatives” caused all the violence at my rallies… probably paid for by the Clinton campaign… and back to prosecuting Clinton after the elections… I look so forward to litigation.
[Note: how will that work if he wins? Or only if he loses?]
Hillary is running against change and all the American people.
[Note: low energy – he still hasn’t mastered the teleprompter – and still sniffing]
25 million jobs over the next decade – now riffing on Mexico: they get the jobs & money, we get the drugs & unemployment… Every trade deal is horrible. All of them will be unwound…
100 Day Action Plan: Contract between Donald J. Trump and the American People
Constitutional amendment for term limits on Congress
Hiring freeze on all government employment
Eliminate 2 regulations for every new regulation
5-year ban on government officials from lobbying
Lifetime ban on WH officials lobbying
A complete ban on foreign lobbyists in elections
Renegotiate NAFTA
Withdrawal from TPP
Label China as a currency manipulator
Start a trade war with all our trading partners
Lift restrictions on oil & gas production, coal, etc.
Lift restrictions on the Keystone Pipeline
Cancel UN Climate change programs – and use to fix the U.S.
Cancel all executive orders by Obama
Select a replacement for Scalia (whose widow has a Trump sign on her lawn)
Cancel all federal funding of sanctuary cities (is that a thing?)
Remove 2 million criminal illegal aliens
Cancel visas to countries that won’t take them back
Suspend from terror prone regions [off prompter – radical islamic terrorism /Clinton]
All people get extreme vetting regardless
Large tax reductions – largest for the middle class 35% for a family of 4
Tax brackets from 7 to 3
Business 35% down to 15%
Overseas companies back to 10%
School choice for everyone.
Repeal & replace Obama-care with private healthcare accounts.
Unleash drug companies from having to test before getting drugs to market…
And we’re back to building a wall…and 2 year prison sentence for coming in illegally…
I can’t help feeling that this might have helped if he had given this speech last month – although it might not have moved the needle too much, it could have shored up the base earlier… but even on this speech, he can’t stay on topic in front of one his crowds… **
There will be no first 100 days. The latest polls show his loss will be historic,unprecedented.
I don’t find that to be the biggest news from this speech. Trump is going to freeze federal hiring (and he is the jobs guy), lower taxes by 35% while starting huge infrastructure projects, revoke all of the Obama’s executive orders regardless of area or impact, eliminate two federal regulations for every new proposal, etc. I just heard a Dem rep say that the best way to categorize what Trump just proposed was total chaos for the first 100+ days of a Trump administration.
We must have been typing at the same time - you posted a much more comprehensive list than I did.