I don’t think Comey is the one who needs “luck” here, you lyin’ pig-eyed sack of shit!
My guess? The new lawyers told him not to say, do or tweet anything that will further piss of Comey at this time. Um, too late, Sunshine.
“I wish him luck.”
“Nice whatever. Shame if something happened to it.”
The obstruction of justice came later. When he fired Comey.
I found his wording particularly creepy.
Trump: Watch my live Tweets tearing The Lying Comey apart.
And good luck getting him to restrain himself for ANY length of time.
Believe the exact quote was: “I wish him luck with a capital F.” (with apologies to Elvis Costello)
Minutes. Maybe half a day if they’ve got his schedule loaded up with people who want to fawn and awe.
But then the night comes, Melania is as far away as she possibly can be and, even if he can be restrained at night, the WH potty must have a TV machine so we get the early morning Tweetin’ from the Crapper.
“Really, really bad luck.”
Very. There’s no uncreepy construction you can put on it.
With this prediction I go out on a limb and make that PeePee in the end can’t help himself and starts twitter ranting about Comey’s testimony…
Oooooo, really? Makes them admissible, no???
The weight gain is getting very noticeable. His double-chin is so bloated you can’t tell where his chin and neck begin or end. He should probably switch to Diet Coke or water. Sad.
Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “Me and the GOPers on the committee have already coordinated derailing his testimony into a time-wasting bog of questions about and implicit accusations against him regarding the Clinton email and Benghazi investigations. All you’re going to hear about the next day fro Faux News, Breitbart et al is that COMEY is the one who should now be worried about being charged with obstruction.”
Definitely making those mafia prosecutors added to the Russia probe team look appropriate.
OT but not OT.
Hey, folks. I don’t know if I trust the source of this article, but should what it reports be remotely accurate, I would think some recusals or dismissals should be necessary.
It’s as if Trump views this as some sort of game, and not as a search for the truth. That’s the source of the creepiness.
I see it as a threat.