Discussion: Trump On Accepting Election Results: 'I'll Keep You In Suspense, Okay?' (VIDEO)

So he’s said he won’t necessarily serve if elected, he won’t necessarily accept the vote if he’s not elected. I know he embraces to post-factual GOP worldview, but doesn’t there have to be something?


“Asked directly whether he would accept the results of November’s election, Donald Trump failed to commit to conceding if he loses.”

If there’s anything left of the Fourth Estate, tomorrow’s headlines – across the globe – will read:

“Trump Opposes Democracy.”


Donald Trump has no respect for our electoral system. Pathetic!!!


Kellyanne Conway just backpedaled from the acceptance pledge.


He loses by 9-10% and still won’t accept the results?
Does it matter what he thinks anyway?




We are all part of 240 years of remarkably unique governmental history - and this ass has chosen to crap on the process.


Hunter S. Thompson:

“There was one exact moment, in fact, when I knew for sure that Al Gore would never be President of the United States, no matter what the experts were saying — and that was when the whole Bush family suddenly appeared on TV and openly scoffed at the idea of Gore winning Florida. It was Nonsense, said the Candidate, Utter nonsense. Anybody who believed Bush had lost Florida was a Fool. The Media, all of them, were Liars & Dunces or treacherous whores trying to sabotage his victory. Here was the whole bloody Family laughing & hooting & sneering at the dumbness of the whole world on National TV. The old man was the real tip-off. The leer on his face was almost frightening. It was like looking into the eyes of a tall hyena with a living sheep in its mouth. The sheep’s fate was sealed, and so was Al Gore’s.”

If only Gonzo had held out long enough to witness the Trump spectacle…

Oh, the glorious copy that might’ve been.


Van Jones: “you canto polish this turd” lol


So if he opens his fat ugly mouth and tries to stir shit up when he loses he should be arrested immediately and tried for sedition and executed by firing squad.

He is a clear and present danger to our democracy and needs to be punished by silencing him by any means necessary. He and his followers are the enemies of our country and need to be treated as such.


Haha…the GOP bobble heads are panicking


Translation: “We are stockpiling guns, ammo, retired generals, beauty pageant winners, taco bowls, and cocaine in a mountain hideout deep in coal country. Believe me, this country will become Columbia.”


My impression of tonight’s debate (FWIW):

Donald Trump did himself no favors tonight. He needed a clear win to even stay in the race, and he didn’t deliver-- not even close.

In the first debate he came off as an unprepared petulant child. In the second debate he came off as a better prepared unhinged lunatic. This time he was far less petulant the he was in the first debate and less unhinged than he was in the second, but he came off as completely clueless instead.

More actual policy was discussed tonight than in the other two debates (IMO) so Donald Trump was able to demonstrate more clearly than before how little he knows about policy, whether domestic or foreign. What’s more, his answer about whether he’d accept the election results was nearly as devastating to his campaign as his “grab them by the pussy” comment that came out two weeks ago.

Clinton came off as calm, Presidential and very well prepared by contrast. Even if you don’t agree with some of her answers or policies, she was the clear winner tonight; more so than she was in either of the first two debates.

Once again, I predict that Clinton’s eventual victory will be by double digits and she’ll win over 400 EC votes on November 8th. What’s more, Trump’s toxicity will likely sway enough down ballot races toward the Democrats that they will probably have 53 seats in the Senate (plus or minus 1) and, dare I say it, retake the House.

That’s my prediction for now (FWIW).


Get ready. The big takeaway I’m seeing pushed is that he won’t accept the results…and they are desperately spinning the gore scotus thing to try to create the false equivalence.


He’s a horrifying disgrace. This point is a total disqualifier and strikes at the very foundation and underpinning of this republic. All the other depravity and idiocy of his campaign pales in comparison to his willingness to sacrifice the most sacred principles of governance, in this case the peaceful transition of power, to his bloated ego and childish arrogance.

Any Republican who continues to support him is just as guilty of spitting on the highest principles, the fundamental truths and ethics which have served this nation so well for more than two and a half centuries, as he is. They are his enablers.


Well this is certainly the talking point for the immediate post-debate analysis (on MSNBC at least). Kudos to Rachel Maddow for pointing out that his refusal to accept the results builds on years of R claims of vote fraud and it isn’t just Trump.

If there is any good from this, it is that Trump has gone much farther than the Rs have done, and they should now be forced to either go along or concede their years of claims of voter fraud were to deny Dem constituancies their right to vote rather than because of a legitimate concern for fraud.


I love when Jeff Lord and that other blonde (I think Scottie) try to talk over Gloria Borger in regards to that. Its like they don’t understand that the public just heard a candidate say on television: ‘watch this space’.


She’s the one I was comparing to pierson…talking point parrot if I ever saw one…fucking mindless