And of course Mr. Khan’s speech was very heartfelt and it was clear how much he loved his adopted country. But don’t let that bother you.
Paladino is a disgrace to every Italian that ever lived.
Maybe Paul Manafart heard him this time
Why does so much scum come out of the woodwork for Trump? Trump’s surrogates are as disgusting if not more than Trump himself.
I passed on to a family member who lives in NY the previous story about Paladino from late last week, when he was interviewed on Imus and slimed the Khan’s as well as questioning where Obama was born.
The family member replied (paraphrasing), “when he ran for governor of the state in 2010, this human piece of shit made a visit to [redacted] where I was working at the time. I was assigned to his security detail, I had to carry a firearm. It was a real shitshow. At times I had to physically separate the protesters from him, they wanted to beat the living shit out of him. After he was done with his speech, he wanted to come up to me and thank me and shake my hand. I told him, ‘Sir, I am being paid to protect you, not to like you.’”
What a disgrace, Paladino should stick to racist and pornographic emails…
I guess this is a rhetorical question, but why does everyone associated with the Drumpf campaign seem sleazier than a used car salesperson that telemarkets in his spare time?
“I am certain that most Gold Star parents would despise Mr Kahn’s (sic) attempt to politicize his son’s loss.”
…unless it’s Patricia Smith talking about Benghazi. Then it’s ok.
Excellent point. It’s like Trump is a dungheap that draws flies, cockroaches, worms and other creepy-crawlies.
(With apologies to flies, cockroaches, etc., who at least perform a useful service, unlike Trump’s crew.)
Paladino is just as unhinged as Trump. Keep talking, Paladino … loudly!
maggots won’t go near palladino. they’ve got way too much class.
“This is obviously sarcasm. Carl Paladino wasn’t even born yet when Khan’s son died in combat, so he has to be joking!”
Katrina Pierson
Who has been a disgrace to America is Carl Paladino with his Mob ties along with Donald Trump and his connection with the Mob.
Well, please pass on to your family member that BeattyCat would like to shake his hand. Please thank him for us.
Mr. Kahn took and passed a Citizenship test. It is likely that Paladino could not pass that same test. Mr. Kahn has also passed The Bar. It is unlikely that Paladino could pass either test.
The claim that Mr. Kahn likely has not even read the Constitution is so pathetic that if we treated Paladino humaimly we would just take him to his vet to be put out of his misery.
Has the national Trump campaign been asked about his recent remarks?
Keep the Kahn fires burning, Team Trump!
What on Earth is happening to us? What have we become? How does this man have power?
If you were wondering why Clinton is leading the state of NY by approximately thirty percent, look no further than this racist loudmouth Cesspool Republican.