Discussion: Trump Now Says He 'Would Certainly Implement' Muslim Database

Discussion for article #243055

First they came for the Muslims …


He’s past buffoon and has now entered the realm of fascist.


Kind of like what they did after 9-11 with the Saudi’s, considering 18 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi …oh wait

When Fascism comes to America it will have a comb-over and be waving a flag.


Would one of those “systems” be a yellow arm patch to be worn by Muslims at all times?

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Hold on to your soccer stadiums.

This isn’t “like things the Nazis did,” it’s the actual things they did that MADE them Nazis.



Donald Trump is a Fundamentalist Troll. Even he can’t really believe what he is suggesting conforms–in the very least–with the U.S. Constitution.

The Republican Party is literally dying in front of our eyes.


Even this won’t drop him in the polls though. Hell, it may boost his numbers.


"When a reporter later asked Trump if he thought there was a difference
between tracking American Muslims in a database and Nazi Germany
registering Jews, the billionaire responded: “You tell me.”

He’s just seeing what sticks.He has no answer." “You tell me.”


Trump… a narcissistic, fascist, internet troll running for the Presidency.

What. Could. Go. Wrong.


When a reporter later asked Trump if he thought there was a difference between tracking American Muslims in a database and Nazi Germany registering Jews, the billionaire responded: “You tell me.”

i’d say something snarky, but i’ve got nothing to go with after that.


he also wants to tattoo their registration number on the inside of their arms and have them wear a red crescent inside of a pink triangle to provide immediate visual identity…

the number 000666 will be reserved for Jesus just in case he makes good on his threat to return…

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I think we need a “douchebag” database instead.


oh he gave an answer. He was just ‘minding’, until a better opportunity came along to reveal.

The question isn’t ‘will there be any blowback from that exchange?’, but why isn’t there again any blowback from that type of exchange?


It would be a per se unconstitutional violation of the Equal Protection Clause.


Trump has been a fascist for his entire campaign. We just chose to ignore it when he called all Mexicans “rapists” and stupid shit like that. Donald never had any other skills other than to order people around, growing up so rich, he got practice with his paid servants, probably from the age when he could first talk. He is the most well-trained fascist in America today.

This latest little fantasy of his, what to do with “all Muslims”, (even most of them who are born in the USA, one presumes), is just our latest piece of evidence of what was confirmed on day one of his anti-Mexican “campaign”.



“And he could well end up with the republican nomination, though at that point he would lose to Hillary Clinton by the biggest blowout margin since at least Eisenhower. And perhaps that’s precisely what needs to happen to them. Mainstream republicans have been adopting ever more racist political views for decades, some of them without consciously realizing it. Perhaps the stunning embarrassment of being stuck with a walking garbage dump for a 2016 nominee, one who is copying the Fuhrer’s moves so intentionally and so slavishly that even they can’t ignore it, is just the wakeup call that moderate conservatives need in order to bring them back toward humanity. In the mean time I’m not going to give a weakling narcissist like Trump the satisfaction of comparing him to a historically significant monster like Adolf Hitler. Instead I’ll merely say this: Donald Trump, you’re just a sick son of a bitch.”

I also hear is having a “beautiful” badge designed for muslims to wear and is looking into a bar code system that can be easily tattooed on their wrists.

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