No action will occur until the people over 50 believe serious change will happen in their lifetimes, or unless they are out of power. It’s just human nature.
If you go to certain cities you can’t even breathe and now that air is going up, so if we have a clean, in terms of a planet
The dirtiest (or sickest) air of all, from the standpoint of planets.
Most days I ask what’s wrong with him. Today I ask what the fuck is wrong with his family? Forget the rest of us; I know you don’t care about us. Do you care not a whit about him? The man is not well.
Presumably they hate him. Also, he probably has let them know that they are essentially cut out of his will under various circumstances. Best from their standpoint is that he keels over tomorrow.
This would make Donnie bi-climate?
President Trump admitted in an interview with ITV’s Piers Morgan on Tuesday that he does believe in climate change.
Technically speaking, Rump doesn’t believe the climate is changing. Rump said that the weather is changing.
Two different things.
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere now has never been as high since since human beings jumped out of the tress on two legs and walked the African savanna.
Global atmospheric temperatures increase by a couple of degrees every time he opens his pie hole and spews out more hot air.
“Well the United States right now has among the cleanest climates there are."
Yes! And the weather in the United States is very curvaceous, its lakes are extremely thoughtful, and you can swim through its forests in an intersecting and bright manner.
Lewis Carroll’s got nothing on this stable genius.
This is what I came to post, as well. I gave the following a good-faith effort to make some sort of semiotic sense of it, and . . . nope:
“If you go to certain cities, I’m not going to name cities, but I can. If you go to certain cities you can’t even breathe and now that air is going up, so if we have a clean, in terms of a planet, we’re talking about a very small, you know, very small distance, between China and the US, or other countries.”
Physical distance? Distance in the more figurative sense of measures of air quality? No clue. And of course, Morgan is so happy he got this interview that he doesn’t ask for clarification.
Morgan could have had some harmless fun. “I’ve always imagined that Ivanka has clean air. Does she?”
“Don Jr.'s got a garlic problem, doesn’t he?”
“Does Melania still warm you globally?”
People who revel in their own ignorance love the fact that we have an ignorant president just like themselves.
“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly.”
– H.L. Mencken
And imagine what happens when they get tenure at their university!
Is there anything, besides a grift, that the Donald actually understands and can articulate at grade 6 level?
He obviously hasn’t got the slightest idea what the Greenhouse Effect is and how greenhouse gasses affect climate.
The right-wing media he consumes has been pushing the same kinds of idiocies for years, like saying that CO2 is not a pollutant.
It’s not a matter of whether CO2 is a pollutant or not, it’s a matter of how the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere affects climate. It that really so difficult to grasp?
I believe there’s a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways
Here, Trump seems to be saying that human activity can influence climate, which affects the weather, but since there are still warmer and colder periods, this shows that climatic effects will balance out.
Which is sort of like saying if someone is shot in the chest, but can still labor to breathe in and out for the moment, there is no reason to call an ambulance.
It’s still called “global warming”.
“Climate change” is actually a phrase whose origin predates the concern about global warming that started in the 1970s. And “climate change” is a phrase with a far broader meaning. “Climate” refers not only to temperature, but also to precipitation, wind, drought - all aspects of weather in the long term. So the idea is that global warming triggers climate change.
“Climate change” does not mean “whoops, things aren’t really getting warmer.”
But if you insist on getting your science information from billion-dollar fossil fuel companies and their well–funded “think tanks” and other subsidiaries, I guess it does.
Oh, and the decision to make the change from “global warming” to “climate change” in the political arena? We can thank Bush advisor Frank Luntz for that one.
“It’s time for us to start talking about “climate change” instead of global warming and “conservation” instead of preservation…“Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming”…While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge”.
Given the usual sloppiness of sourcing on the Republican side, it’s hardly surprising that Luntz’s PR decision is now being attributed to scientists.
If only he were cli-curious.
Instead, he makes me cli-furious!
(Nod to Roxy Richter of “Scott Pilgrim vs the World”.)
Honey Boo Boo had an audience. This is sort of that but grown up and a guy.
Indeed. It’s been replaced with executive privilege.
And the Sarah Palin Word Salad Award goes to
"…If you go to certain cities you can’t even breathe and now that air is going up, so if we have a clean, in terms of a planet, we’re talking about a very small, you know, very small distance, between China and the US, or other countries.”
Super Special Award for clarity: “…and now that air is going up…”
Runner up: "…we’re talking about a very small, you know, very small distance, between China and the US, or other countries.”