North Korea is a rogue nation. That is true. It has been conducting nuclear tests and just conducted another one. That is also true. And if you get it through your thick skull we have no good options on this, Mr. President, we’ll make you a one-day provisional member of the junior varsity Masters of the Bleedin’ Obvious.
So long, mom.
I’m off to drop the bomb.
So don’t wait up for me.
I’ll look for you when the war is over.
An hour and a half from now.
I just have this image of the US striking against NK nuclear facilities, and NK launching its devastating assault on both SK and a few ICBMs against US cities (NY, Washington, LA?). So the US carpet bombs NK with nukes. Do Russia and China respond with a full scale assault on the US? Do France and Britain, keeping their Article 5 obligations under NATO, retaliate with what they’ve got against Russia and China? Will the world as we know it still be here in an hour and a half?
Hell, I should just stop worrying and learn to love the bomb.
Trump’s criticism of South Korea’s stance towards North Korea via Twitter is really, really stupid and counter-productive.
I guess ive been lulled into a sense of complacency with Hair Furor. Virtually nothing he has said or threatened has come to pass. 6 months ago I would’ve been nauseous.
South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they only
understand one thing! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
But bullying and name calling is doing great!
So all options are on the table, except for all the diplomatic options that require talking.
LibTard antiFa cucKs. TrUmp wiLL twEEt uS ouT of thiS nightMarE OhBUmmer creaTed!!
When he was saber-rattling with China before he was even sworn in I remember some very sober China experts warning how dangerous it was. Of course then we had adult leadership in the White House, but it was still terrifying. But we’ve seen now, world leaders and regular folks alike, that he always backs down. Even that is dangerous and destabilizing, and it might not be true forever. But certainly in Moscow, Beijing, and Pyongyang he’s considered a loudmouth and a blowhard. Shaking my head…
N Korean leadership learned the obvious: bomb = protection against US and Japanese imperialism.
More like LA, SF, Seattle, Portland, Anchorage - that’s assuming NK can aim an ICBM well enough to hit them, which seems unlikely.
On the other hand, I suspect NK may be able to aim well enough to hit Seoul and Tokyo.
Typical coward drumpf response…He criticizes someone or another country because he caused a mess or add to a mess and wants them to clean it up for him.
Idiot arse hat stumblebum embarrassment.
trump’s response is to harass South Korea via his tweeters… His typical response is to blame somebody else avoiding the Truman Rule:
Trump is determined to unite N. and S. Korea. After all there is a trade imbalance.
On the contrary, the main rogue nation in the world is the US, follwed by a few other Europeans, plus Israel. As Stalinist as the N Korean regime is, it hasn’t and isn’t attacking other countries, massacreing civilians, hasn’t wantonly used atomic and chemical weapons, etc., etc.
“Don’t look at me, I’m just the US President. The buck stops somewhere far away from me - in China, or South Korea, or Russia, or Congress, or with my generals, or … , or … , or … .”
The distance from Pyongyang to NY (~6700 miles) isn’t terribly greater than the distance from Pyongyang to LA (~6000 miles).
If my choice is taking out NYC or Portland, which one do you think I’m going to go for?
And from what I understand, those Ukrainian rockets they’re using are pretty damn accurate. I wouldn’t count them out.