Discussion: Trump Nominates Climate Change Skeptic To Top Science Job At USDA

When I was a kid, boofed was butt fucked.

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That bar is so low itā€™s subterranean.


Mueller crossing Trumpā€™s red line.



Perdue said Clovis ā€œhas become a trusted advisor and steady handā€ who ā€œlooks at every problem with a critical eye, relying on sound science and data.ā€

Sound scienceā€¦

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I smell ā€œtax returnsā€ in the wind!

I think itā€™s more a case of demographic sorting.
Americans are extremely mobile. Every June a new crop of 18 yr olds emerge from high schools in these places, and every year a good portion of them leave. And the ones who leave and the ones who remain are not the same. Decades go by, and people sort themselves. California, where I live, is full of refugees from the South, the Midwest. And over and over again they tell the same story, they had to get out.
And not just the Coasts. Southern cities like Atlanta are quite Blue; absorbing all the ā€˜progressiveā€™ energy from their hinterland.


an open climate change skeptic

Please stop adopting the deniersā€™ soft language. They arenā€™t ā€œskepticsā€ any more than young-Earth creationists are ā€œskepticalā€ about the age of the universe. A skeptic is someone who uses evidence and rational thought to probe weaknesses in a position.

You know who the real climate change ā€œskepticsā€ are? Climate scientists.

Clovis and everybody like him is a denier. The science is as settled as it gets, and they simply deny the truth of it. Stop using their chosen word, ā€œskepticā€, to describe this irrational behavior.


ā€œI have looked at the science and I have enough of a science background to know when Iā€™m being boofedā€

Perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.


Good to know Jesus isnā€™t ā€˜gluten free.ā€™ If I find out he ate tofu, Iā€™m out.


Some Brits call them ā€œclimate change contrariansā€. Or just cranks.

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ā€œIn general, negating a frame just activates the frame and makes it stronger. I wrote a book called ā€œDonā€™t Think of an Elephant!ā€ to make that point. Liberals are often caught in this trap. If a conservative says, ā€œwe should have tax relief,ā€ she is using the metaphor that taxation is an affliction that we need relief from. If a liberal replies, ā€œNo, we donā€™t need tax relief,ā€ she is accepting the idea that taxation is an affliction. The first thing that is, or should be, taught about political language is not to repeat the language of the other side or negate their framing of the issue.ā€


Honest to Christā€¦how much more will Trumpsters TAKE??? The President* has screwed with everyone elseā€¦now heā€™s taking them onā€¦do we have to wait until he actually DOES shoot someone on 5th Avenue???

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Oh my fucking god this guy. God damn you couldnā€™t write a more morbid comedy movie if you had too. What in the fuck is going on not only with Donald but the Republican party. They are both completely off the deep end. Holy fucking shitā€¦


Propublica in May reported that Clovis has a bachelorā€™s degree in political science, a masterā€™s in business administration and a doctorate in public administration, but does not appear to have published any scientific papers.

Thereā€™s no need for him to publish, or even to study, any scientific papers. All the science that he needs to know is right there in The Bible.

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Hey, hey, HEY! This feller Clovis has got more scientifical common sense in his second chin than thirteen camel thatā€™s stuck in a pit of tarnation.


That is genuinely uncanny.

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I think that this guyā€™s M.O. is Morbid Obesity.

Get that hippie outta that thar wheat field!


There are many agricultural college educated farmers and ranchers who are Republicans that could have been chosen for this position and done some good for their industry. Now they get to observe what effects an anti-science hack will let happen to them with no consideration of actual knowledge. The world is like an avocado; you can cram it up your butt. Enter the boofer, stage right.

Once of the great movie scenes of all time.