It won’t count for very much after we’re all destroyed, but at least the people of N. Korea will be able to say they didn’t have much to do with electing their leader.
Best thing about Trump’s grade school mentality is it will continue to damage the R party for years.
Please hurry Mr. Mueller.
Trump should tweet a pic of him holding the nuclear button like he does his sippy cup of water! That ought to scare the shit out of North Korea!
(Not to mention the United States!)
O goodie! A pissing contest. How presidon’tal is that?
little hands pushing big buttons
small man, big mouth
DONALD TRUMP is MENTALLY ILL and UNSTABLE. He should be removed from office. He is an EMBARRASSMENT on the world stage. He’s DANGEROUS and a LOOSE CANNON who needs psychiatric intervention NOW. That is not hyperbole. How anyone can’t see that is beyond me.
The entire Republican party in office are to blame for this man being allowed to endanger the country. Vote them OUT.
Maybe he can get some “button pushing” training from Alex Trebeck
Doug Kenney was one of the founders of National Lampoon and (author of the film Animal House, in which he played Stork).
One of his favorite office pastimes was to walk up aside people seated in the Lampoon office a stick his penis in their ear. One secretary famously turned and responded to his assault, “Hey, that looks like a penis, only smaller.” Check mate.
Trump and his administration needs to be on the receiving end of some of that. Mockery has power with them that logic and decency lack.
Netflix is doing a show about the Lampoon offices, back in the day. I wonder if that scene will be there.
Someone ought to remind Trump that his nuclear button isn’t really a “button”, just like his penis isn’t really a penis.
Dear Donald Trump,
No, dumbass, that button is so that your tuxedo and white glove-wearing butler brings you yet another solid gold goblet of Diet Coke. Here’s hoping that metabolic syndrome does the job that CONgress won’t do and Robert Mueller can’t.
Ken in MN.
How sad that he brags about the size of his “button”. Most men would aim bigger.
He again makes the case for electing women into office. Women don’t spend their time trying to prove they have the biggest member on the block.
Someone needs to tranquilize this psycho before this game kills millions.
Frankly, I´m less worried about Kim Jung-un than I am about Trump.
It scares the living daylights out of me.
Even in a timeline defined by cascading lows this is a new low, an embarrassment for all involved
And the Republican party, if they at all survive, will still be saying, “We thought he was just joking. We all laughed at the time, Who knew he’d actually do it?”
This is soooo fucked up.
Yes, I agree that he probably has metabolic syndrome because of his poor lifestyle choice of horrible diet and no exercise. I also hope it does him in — and fast.
“Would you prefer nuclear Armageddon and tax cuts for the wealthy, or no nuclear Armageddon and no tax cuts for the wealthy?”
GOP: “Is this a trick question?”