Discussion: Trump Muses That Flag Burning Should Result In Jail Time, Loss Of Citizenship

CNN better step in line or they’ll feel the tweet wrath of Trump! Oops, too late.


LOL at you, HO. LOL. Don’t ever presume you can tell me what I can and cannot do with my flag. You can’t. All you’re trying to do is goad some citizens into doing it so you and your supporters can point and get the vapors. I hope no one takes the bait.


I have been on the fence about whether electors should renege and not vote for Trump. This ought to be a tipping point. Those people were selected to use their judgment—so use it!


The Supreme Court deals with when conduct constitutes speech. The prescribed method for disposing of a desecrated flag is to burn the flag. So it’s not the burning that’s objectionable, it’s the burning it as a political statement that’s the problem. That makes it a speech issue and not a conduct issue.

And yes, people burn or step on the flag because it is such a powerful statement.


Criticism oF trUmp shouLd earn The offenDer a year in jail Or loSs of citizenship.


You might check out the Constitution, HO. Citizenship, under the 14th Amendment, can only be revoked if there is fraud in the naturalization process.

Confirmed by SCOTUS decision Afroyim v. Rusk, 1967.


Here is your challenge: get Trump to tweet that.
I am positive he could be baited into tweeting that “disrespecting the Office of the President” is a serious crime.


Trump is infatuated with Adolf Hitler and his tactics to gaining power in Nazi Germany…this is like Deja Vu’ all over again.

Americans are stupid…voting for a complete con job who’s turning government into his own private piggy bank.


Flag burning=red meat. What issue(s) is he trying to divert from the press/public attention? He’s savvy that way.


Okay, what have I missed? Is the Orange Moron using this issue to distract attention and conversation away from something significant, such as - who knows? his DC hotel lease problem, his ridiculous tweets about Cuba and Castro (or were those just camouflage for his desire to build casinos there ASAP)? What? Nonsense like this flag burning comment is never the real issue - what story is he burying? His overreaction to the vote recounts that are unlikely to change anything? Good God! There’s so much noise out there, it’s difficult to zoom in on the signals we need to follow.

ETA: It looks like dannysgrandma and I were on the same track - great minds and all that…


Every day this guy does or says something even worse to prove he is unqualified to be President, and every day the Republicans fall into a straighter line. I guess this might not be the week for the Trump pivot.


The very same Amendment that protects the rights of Nazis and Klansmen to assemble also protects the right to burn the American flag in protest.

Boy oh boy, that pesky constitution is really gonna get in HO’s way!


CNN is not the villain: the dumb American non-voter is.


He will once again use these senseless issues to fire up the hatred of his mouth-breathing base so that they won’t notice that there is NO wall, NO jobs coming back, and their taxes just went up.
He WILL have stopped the evil liberals from burning flags, however, and there will be joyous toothless grins throughout the kingdom!


I’ll give you the “great mind” moniker–me not so much. :wink:

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Don’t you get the feeling: no matter how slight, that Mr. Trump may not make it to his inauguration? I often got the feeling during the primary and the general that Mr. Trump was subconsciously trying to blow up his campaign. The problem was his base refused to leave him. Now I can’t escape the notion that he is trying to deep six his presidency.


Just for fun this morning, I’ll take the opposite view, since I always have. I just don’t think there’s any evidence that he’s a subtle, strategic thinker. He’s manipulative, and he can seduce the credulous, but that was true of Palin too and we don’t accuse her of this near-brilliant deviousness, although we should have. It strangely seems able to coexist with a near-primitive level of intellectual crudeness. Put it this way: He wants to impress us with his mind. But the only thing any insightful person’s ever impressed with is the simplistic nature of everything, everything he says.


Dickhead Donny says …

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Memory Foam Donald only holds the impression of the last person he spoke with. My guess is he watched a movie last night with a flag burning scene.