Discussion: Trump Mulls Stripping Legal Status From 800,000 Young Immigrants

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And then there is this.


I need a vacation from the news to stock up on my supplies of disgust, horror and anger. I’m being bled dry of them all and I shouldn’t be.

Just numbing, all of this.


Evil. And stupid. And expensive. And counterproductive. And almost certainly subject to all manner of legal challenge.

In other words, typical republican governance.


Of course they will scrap it. It will piss off liberals and give the brownshirts at ICE another group of easy targets, what more reasons could they need?


Well, here’s some comic relief.

Very bizarre.


As Trump’s base of support dwindles down to the most rabid and vituperous, these are the sort of laws he’ll execute by Executive Action. He’s down to governing for about 25% of us. Disgusting.

Only silver lining is he’s incapable of passing bills through Congress and EAs can be reversed, though much too late for many of these people.


I’m gobsmacked. Again. How can it be that this country has a president who actively works to hurt and marginalize people–people with health insurance, transgender people, “dreamers,” any and all critics. What has happened to the United States? So many people seem to be perfectly okay with this ongoing campaign of abuse and animus. I want to maintain some perspective, so as to believe this too shall pass, but I don’t know. I just don’t know. I never thought this country was capable of this kind of outrage.


Yeah, I saw the original article yesterday, and thought, okay, well, not sure I’d call that a happy ending…at least, ultimately, from the piglets’ point of view. On the other hand, that was their raison d’etre, so…

Hadn’t seen Hatch’s reaction before. You’re right, very bizarre…


Trump would probably screen out the models, future wives and white nationalists. Basically whoever he likes and says nice things to him.

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I recently watched the movie “Trumbo” about the McCarthy era (with my stepson who is studying political science here in Germany). That was another godawful, “has everyone lost their friggin’ minds” time, ruining lives along the way and causing unbelievable damage.

Some days, the only thing that keeps me going is the fervent hope and belief that “this too shall pass” just like those febrile times.

(What was depressing about the movie, however, was to see just how long that disgraceful House Un-American Activities Committee lasted – until 1975, albeit with a re-naming in the late 60s…)


My spirit groans for those affected


You’re right, McCarthy was a dreadful human being, such a malign and vicious creature. And he commanded center stage for a long while, too, ruining lives right and left. Good reminder, thanks!


Keep in mind that those numbers are from registered voters. So maybe 12% of us


Better he should spend his time tweeting rather than mulling.

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Yeah – and, remember, after McCarthy came the 60s, another turbulent time, but one which brought a lot of positive social changes…

One can only hope the 2020s bring the same.


Let’s not forget that even children can be “bad hombres.” /s


Trump is a classic bully, picking on those least able to respond. His first attack was against the Transgender in the military. Abandoning DACA will appeal to his base. As Trump’s poll numbers decline, we’ll see more of this type of behavior.


Trump reminds me of a spoiled, mean-spirited little kid who just learned he can fry ants with the sun and a magnifying glass. Trump just loves the idea of wielding what he thinks is Supreme Power. Using the office of POTUS to avenge his perceived enemies, reward his criminal cronies and harm immigrants is exactly what he gets off on. He would volunteer to waterboard prisoners as long has he knew he wouldn’t get his $1000-loafers wet. There is no bar too low for this Orange Anal Polyp.


Because we, as a country, either actively voted for him, or just didn’t give a shit enough to vote against him. We did this to ourselves, and I’m hoping we hit rock bottom on it. I’m sick and damned tired of Dems out trying to make everyone’s lives better and getting kicked in the balls for it. This is what you wanted America, have it, enjoy it.

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