Discussion: Trump Mulls AG Recess Appointment In Face Of Growing Support For Sessions

Christie will get the Deputy AG position after Rosenstein resigns in disgust after Sessions is fired and Rudy fires Mueller, all of which will happen while Congress is on recess.

That is the plan anyway.


If Rosenstein doesn’t cooperate in firing Mueller, then yes, I would assume Trump cans him and continues down the line until he finds his Robert Bork.


Why would Rosenstein resign in disgust because of Sessions being fired? That doesn’t make any sense to me.


The trope has been circulating a lot among the paid jabbering class that Trump has made Sessions popular with Liberals.

This is complete BS. He is the worst AG in modern history, bar none, which is a tall order. And no one on the left thinks favorably of him at all.

The thing that Trump hates about Sessions, his recusal, was something Sessions had to do - he would be obviously breaking the law on a daily basis if he had not. It is not a sign of any positive feature of Sessions, it is simply a product of his own sense of self-preservation, which includes preserving his ability to continue his crusade of ramming hard right policies through.

And I very much doubt that any replacement could actually be worse. A replacement that is more Trump like would be better, in that he would be less competent at doing bad.

I want Trump to fire Sessions - which is very likely to do. Motions to ‘protect’ Sessions should be viewed (if pushed by the left) as moves to set up Trump’s firing.

The best way to limit the damage by the Trump Administration is to maximize the damage to the Trump Administration.

A Constitutional crisis is coming. It would be best that it come soon.

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I thing you should change that to:

“Lie down with mad dogs, get up with rabies”.

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Ok that’s hilarious. Just yesterday, the Nasty Elf said he didn’t believe that the constitution prohibits discrimination against gay people in employment matters. There’s a popular liberal stand.

(massiveyeroll) i’m dying to see Sessions fired, personally. I can’t stand him and he’s doing a lot of shit.


Christie would be a brilliant appointment. It just might turn Jared into a singing canary, who would then turn on daddy-in-law and reveal Trump’s Russian crimes.

Which would turn Ivanka against Jared, causing her to reveal some of the Kushner Crime Family’s dirt, and then…

I’m going to Trader Joe’s for more popcorn…

This is such a weird position (I mean…relatively speaking…I think once a week: “is this real life”? Am I in some weird personal hell?").

On one hand, firing Sessions would cause some bi-partisan outrage since it is just more evidence of Trump attempting to obstruct justice or retaliate against those people that won’t shield him in the way he expected.

On the other hand, Jeff Sessions:

  1. Is awful. He should have never been confirmed. His policies on drugs, voting, race, immigration…you name it, he’s on the wrong side of history (or just basic facts); and
  2. Likely committed perjury. Perhaps on multiple occasions. How are we supposed to convict people of perjury and to show that you cannot lie to congress, courts, and investigative agencies if the top prosecutor in the country can get away with it? Even if you discount this latest story, Sessions still likely committed perjury.

A more pronounced version of defending Comey a while back as well.

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Not to me. Comey is not a proven racist homophobic anti-marjijuana throw back like Sessions. Comey is far and away much easier to defend. Fuck Sessions - I hope he gets fired. I hate him and I would like to see what the GOP does.

edit to add - and if Trump finds his Bork and fires Mueller and the GOP does nothing it still doesn’t stop the investigations. They will continue.


I actually choked on that one. He is getting out of Dodge and anyplace will do. Gang violence my eye. The only gang violence Sessions knows it he kind they ply in the back rooms of Republican political meetings.

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Remember what happened to Comey when he left town.


Sessions is yet another example of getting what you asked for and regretting it. Karma is at play in all the drama going on in the west wing. This is only the beginning and many heads will roll before this is all over. Trump and family will not be the only ones with an extended stay in the Greybar hotel. No sympathy from me.

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Damn, tena, it is like you read my mind. Exactly how I feel about the whole situation.

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The problem is they think of things in simplistic binary terms. For or Against. Black or White. If liberals aren’t calling for Trump to fire Sessions, then ergo, liberals must like Sessions now. They played the same game with Comey after liberals expressed outrage at his firing.

They can’t understand the concept that we can dislike the man, but wish to respect the process. For the chattering class and those on the right, the process is unimportant, so all actions are assumed to be taken through the lens of personal animus.


Could be but I doubt it. The Senate will not recess and there can be no recess appointments. Grassley has made it clear they will not be taking up an AG appointment in 2017. Trump has been cut off at the knees and is finding out how it really is in the big boys sand box. Not saying he won’t try something but IMO Tillerson/Pribus are now in the line for being fired. Trump needs someones head to roll.


One can hope, can’t he ?

The Elf stands up to the king and makes him look like a powerless fool. This will be interesting.

Does DT have a fetish with small angry men ? Sessions, Lewandowski and The Mooch fits that mould… and when he gets tired of them, he dumps them…

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