Discussion: Trump, Megyn Kelly To Face Off Again In Fox News' January GOP Debate

Discussion for article #244022

I HoPE tHEY scheduled the DEBaTE For wHEN sheā€™s NOt BLEeding OUT of her Whatever.


There will be blood.


Roger Ailes will have his finger on the remote control of her shock collar so she doesnā€™t ask any ā€œtoughā€ questions like ā€œIs your first name really Donald?ā€


aND OTHER Similar ā€œGOTCHAā€ qUESTions THE LAMEsTREAM meDIA LIKEs to USE TO Ambush Republicans.


ā€œWhatā€™s the ā€˜Jā€™ stand for, Jerk?ā€

And then thereā€™s Trump and his irrepressible mouth. He is certain to deliver some epic weapons grade derp his acolytes will love. More than likely his derp will be directed at some critically important voting block and the GOPers will love it. But who hasnā€™t he insulted yet?

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Retards, midgets, and Jews I think.


Thatā€™s a start but the pickings are getting slim as to who to insult that he hasnā€™t already. I think itā€™s guaranteed Trump will say something waaaaaaay off the charts because itā€™s worked to his advantage so far. Not that it makes him any kind of a better candidate or anything.

Maybe heā€™ll go the way of Andrew Dice Clay. You know, when it all becomes boring and offensive, finally.

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Glad to see the shift key is workinā€™, Eustace. I was afraid ā€¦

Iā€™m hoping she gets stressed about it, gets drunk, then staggers out and tells him how pathetic he is in the cruelest, most hurtful possible way in a coast-to-coast live TV expletive-filled rant and he completely freaks out and the whole thing ends in an nightmare of supernatural destruction like the prom scene in ā€œCarrie.ā€ What can I say? Iā€™m an optimist.


[from his website]

Andrew Dice Clay
Andiamo Celebrity Showroom
Warren, MI
08:00 PM

Golden Nugget
Atlantic City, NJ

You know itā€™s tough to make a living as a comedian, especially when youā€™re not funny and, although youā€™ve got a gig at the Andiamo Celebrity Showroom in Warren, Michigan in March, your close-to-home gig gets cancelled.

Stupid white people. Heā€™s saving them for last, after he loses.


He was almost funny for a while and was scheduled for SNL just as people had had enough and his stand up was wearing thin. So he opens on SNL and talks about his new girlfriend and how he popped her cherry - and no one laughed. It was cringe worthy.

MattinPA: and the whole thing ends in an nightmare of supernatural destruction like the prom scene in ā€œCarrie.ā€ What can I say? Iā€™m an optimist.

hey, iā€™d tune in for that. if you recall, there was a whole lot of blood flowing in that carrie scene. trump would probably have a real icky, hopefully gut-wrenching reaction.

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Didnā€™t he already do that when he asked something like ā€œAre Iowa voters really that dumb?ā€ ā€¦ in regards to Carson, I think ā€¦ maybe they are and didnā€™t realize they were insulted.

Megyn should be really nice and deferential to Trump and ask him extremely easy questions to soothe his ego until he realizes there is just the hint of a smirk on her face. A smirk that says to the millions of viewers: Yes. He is that stupid.

Kelly doesnā€™t even have to go this far out, she only has to ask what he thinks about Cruz being the likely winner in Iowa making the short- fingered vulgarian A LOSER, and thereā€™s nothing worse in his narcissistic world.


Blood most certainly would spurt! ā€“ Out of his eyes, blood vessels bursting and all.

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