Discussion: Trump: Maybe I'm Being Audited Because I Love The Tea Party

Blue, here are some comments from the head of the IRS which are salient to this “audit” shit.

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@littlegirlblue, I’m thinking he thought he could get some more cheap (free) media coverage while throwing mud at President Obama’s integrity to boot … in other words, rile up the idiots who will take his word for it. I say let him keep up with these silly little faux tantrums because he’s putting all the other GOPers in a tough spot–including the voters–when he and they can’t verify the lie. Kind of like with Carly “I See Dead Baby Parts” Fiorina. Sooner or later, anyone with a half functioning brain will start to connect the dots – but, by then, he will have already secured the nomination. Donald Trump really is the FrankenTea Monster. They created him and he will destroy them.

Donnie is revealing his freakishly insecure side with his need to defend himself from the smallest criticism. He also has extreme narcissism, serious sociopathic symptoms and he’s a serious control freak. All in all some very bad characteristics for a President.
One last thing, he’s vain…very very vain as demonstrated by his hair and clothes. He’s commented on baldness…that here’s something wrong with a man if they’re bald.

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My guess is that he is not audited every year. The IRS may have differences over how he reported particular items, but that is not really an audit. Hell, I get those. With Trump, perhaps only Carnac can devine the question that goes with the answer, “his lips are moving.”

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If and when Donald Trump releases anything remotely resembling his tax records, I would expect two things:

  1. Nothing or very very very little being donated to anything even remotely resembling a church in years; and

  2. At least one or more large donations to anything remotely resembling a church, dated in the last month or so.

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OR MAYBE Donald you fill out your income taxes like you answer the questioned directed you. NO ONE can figure out what the HELL.you just said.
IMAGINE working for the IRS and every year you had to figure out HIS income tax statements…the HORROR of it.

CLERK at IRS, OMG, WTF, his statements MAKE NO SENSE.

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donnie------the rich, greedy man as victim of his wealth.

and the dumbasses just keep slurping it up…

Gen Michael Hayden (Bill Maher show) on a trump presidency-------


That’s not quite it. It isn’t “Trump” being audited year after year: it’s this set companies he controls that year, then next year another set he controls, etc.

Trump has over 400 corporations he controls, many of them empty shells, to protect assets from creditors and to park liabilities. Plus, he constantly tells the press and public that he’s “worth” 'ten billion or more - yet, the IR sees nothing in his personal tax returns, or the returns filed for the corporations Trump controls, that’s at all consistent with that.

The reason the audit hunt after Trump’s taxes goes on year after year is that Trump moves the assets around those 400+ companies.

“That’s a lie! I never repeat myself! Never have, never will, repeat myself, you liar!”

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Which includes the general media, by the way.

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They’re not stupid. It’s just not their job to explain whether or not something is too stupid to be taken seriously…

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And yet you have accused Bernie supporters of huffing unicorn farts!:smirk:

And yet the IRS have said they are quite happy for Trumpys receipts to be shown .

How can you tell the difference? Is the parrot dead…or just stunned?

Trump has bragged his donating to various politico types of both parties. Now we will see.

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I’m crushed! (hangs head…tears dripping). I’ve not yet opted for either HRC or Bernie. I would be quite content voting for either esp. when looking at what the GOP has to offer.

This isn’t a stupid comment for him in the primaries. Instantly recognizable reference to the IRS nonscandal and if anyone is receptive to that it’s a TP/Fox audience. Not sure it carries much weight in the general. But I guess since last time “You didn’t build that” was basically elevated to a central pillar of the campaign I shouldn’t be surprised if scandals from 3-4 years ago that only really exist in the RW echo chamber will be yuuge, yuuuge news.

Every time Trump is attacked he begins to throw out one liners hoping one has legs. I just read that in the Trump University case he has requested the judge recluse himself because he is Hispanic and thus against Trump. The man is a weasel and has the morals and ethics of one.

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And yooooge. Plus I’m expecting that Mariana or whatever her name is is the one being audited, and he’ll ask for innocent spouse relief.

@darrtown: I’d love to see it too, but you know the former Confederacy, plus Montana, North and South Dakota, and West Virginia will all go to him. But wouldn’t it be loverly if he shoved his foot so far down his throat that Hillary could divert some of her war chest to down ticket candidates?

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