Discussion for article #246590
I’m envisioning a commercial that simply juxtaposes clips of Trump telling us what he loves.
“I love the Tea Party”
“I love the poorly educated”
Maybe just those two in a loop. Make it a 30-minute infomercial.
Why are you audited and your wealthy friends aren’t? Perhaps it’s the four bankruptcies and numerous suits for fraud.
It goes beyond that. You get audited year after year only if the IRS finds violations of the tax code in your returns. If your returns are clean, they’re not allowed to audit you every year.
I thought tRump was being audited, not for his highly questionable business practices, but because he was a Christian.
“But I repeat myself.”
The idea of floating another anti-Obama conspiracy theory must have been irresistible for Trump.
It’s like o-man this is too easy… I can’t pay people to come up with stuff this good.
Maybe I’m Being Audited Because I Love The Tea Party
That’s some grade A pandering. The funny thing is that the TP won’t think it is pandering and actually agree with Trump. That’s why Trump loves “the poorly educated”.
I thought it was condos?
Lets not forget that aside from his love for the TP and his deep Christian faith, he might be audited due to his reported ties with the Mafia. It’s alright that he’s in bed with the mob, because he loves the TP and is a good Christian who hates the Pope.
Snopes says no.
“I love them so much I charged only $36,000. tuition at Trump U and that included having their picture taken next to my cardboard cutout.”
Do…we know that he is actually being audited? Or could this just be something pulled from his ass because of course stupid people will believe this without question?
He is being audited, says it happens every years because. . . whatever.
More likely, he’s not being audited every year. One month ago, he said his tax returns were all approved and beautiful.
He’s approaching the punch drunk stage. Just let him dissemble further. His opponents Rubio and Cruz are also heading into unhinged territory. It’s a sad stat for America but let them destroy each other and themselves.
Or because fraud, yeah fraud sounds right.
I Love The Tea Party
At this rate the day may be near when we see Wasilla Barbie on a Republican ticket second time…
And yep I thought it would be impossible when the 2008 election was over.
We’ve come a long way…
What a riot. Trump could give a crap about the tea party. or any other party. He could eat the whole thing for lunch.