Discussion for article #244228
Obviously the most classy, youuuuge terrorist recruitment video eveh!!!
Trump will claim the video was produced by the Clinton campaign and his hapless, blithe or should I say clueless true believers will swallow it hook, line and sinker. They cannot get enough of his bilious propaganda.
HRC was right the media and trump must apologize
Trump is, as Sec. Clinton has suggested, a great recruitment tool for ISIS and other terrorist groups. While discussing the conflict with ISIS on FOX Noise Trump bragged about his ideas for defeating the terrorist group. He told the FUX News readers:
“When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself when they say they don’t care about their lives. You have to take out their families.”
There is nothing the dimwitted Bagger mouthbreathers who follow Trump like more than reckless, dangerous and idiotic calls for indiscriminate violence and mayhem against manufactured foes and “evildoers.” And consistent with his flagrant ignorance on pretty much any subject, Trump proved how fu*king and utterly disastrous a Trump presidency would be.
The Donald proposed, almost offhandedly, committing war crimes by deliberately targeting non-combatant family members. He just sees this as a justifiable alternative to complying with the principles of the Geneva Convention, which he characterizes as too “politically correct.” But in addition to making the United States a practitioner of crimes against humanity, Trump validates the tactics of the terrorists who routinely target non-combatants. This simply gives the terrorists justification for their evil and murderous acts and remove any moral high ground we might have. And, to the point here, it plays into the hands of the terrorists who could then use it as an effective tool for recruiting more terrorists.
The video released with Trump highlighted is just the start. He might as well work FOR ISIS.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Was there really ever any doubt that Trump’s bilious enmity for the Muslim world would be exploited by terrorists? Trump’s response to Clinton’s badly phrased attack – that no such “video” existed and therefore Hillary was lying – was a deft piece of evasive reasoning when no one really doubted the base idea, that Trump was an aide to terrorist recruitment. Now he can’t even claim there’s no video, though I agree with adunn that he will claim the video was produced by the HRC campaign. If a man has the nerve to suggest the government could and indeed did scrub away all 14-year-old reportage of the Muslim rally in Jersey City on 9/11/2001, he’ll have no problem conflating a relationship between HIllary and al-Shabab.
Of course, this will only help Trump with his base. In their eyes, ISIL hates him for speaking the truth. Watch for Trump to incorporate their video in his next video commercial.
Loudmouthed trailer trash with money.
Aside from the international law aspect, if we attack families…innocent women and children … what better recruitment model could there be? Attack a man’s wife and kids and you will have an implacable enemy on your hands no matter what religion is involved. Trump should know this. But then again he lives in a money and derp fueled bubble.
OK then … Trump works for al Qaida and al Shabab. ISIS as well. I hope he’s happy with his new employers. Can’t say that have a great retirement package tho. And severance pay, if needed, sucks.
Well, they do offer a 401KIA.
Wasilla Kardashian: “A 305GM is still better than one of them thar Koreen engines.”
I think Trump’s most likely response is that the terrorists had no intention of making such a video until Hillary planted the idea in their head.
So all Hillary needs to do is plant the idea of surrender in the heads of ISIS leaders, and then the entire conflict is over. That’s assuming there’s any truth at all in Trump’s claim that ISIS takes its strategy directives from Hillary Clinton.
What is it with the Clinton’s and fake videos? Her timing was just a little off on this one, however. This video was supposed to go public a day or two before she first mentioned it on the campaign trail.
What are you trying to say David? Is it that Hillary created a fake video to back up her assertions that Trumps bombastic statements are aiding daesh recruiting? Is that it?
If that’s it then seriously…you need to have your brain chemistry re-aligned.
How’s those birther lawsuits with Oily playing out for you?
From my heart
Sounds like the behavior outlined in Hitler’s Barbarossa Decree.
Trump will love it… the guy loves attention, no matter whom it comes from. The fact he, not Jeb!, not Hillary, nobody else but him, is featured… ahh, what an ego boost! I could easily picture him boasting “I am tough, I’m strong, terrorists are scared of me, and that’s why they featured me!” or something like that.