Discussion: Trump Made Quite A Few 'Day 1' Promises — Which Will He Keep?

One Day Goals? Trump’s Macedonian new media research outfit is on it. Watch Fox for updates.


Bullshit promises from a bullshit artist.


—Get rid of gun-free zones in schools and on military bases.

Oh, like we haven’t had enough innocent children brutally and senselessly killed yet.
Sadly, of the potpourri of crazy bullshit listed, this one will probably get done.


“Day one.” I guess he violated all those promises already.


Remember the term “alternative facts” from the so-called Alternative Right. It means our way, or the highway. Our boots in your face. Believe as we tell you to believe, or we will destroy you. Complacency is now the enemy. Stand by as others get mowed down, and they will come for YOU next.

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Heck, it’s still morning on the East Coast – somebody tweet out something ridiculous about the Orange Horror, like, oh, he had fewer inauguration balls than Obama, with fewer guests and the food was definitely not as good as in 2009.

He’ll spend the whole rest of the day fuming about it and will shoot off tweets and make speeches about his balls were bigger, and there were a gazillion more guests and the food was DEFINITELY MORE EXPENSIVE.

Nothing will get done on Day 1.

Unless his team has now arranged for an “off-label” high dose of Ritalin in a futile attempt to keep him on track.


Kellyanne Goebbels will have spun something “significant” out of thin air once again, covering up.

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I don’t see a lot of JOBS initiatives on the list. Perhaps with infrastructure, if Congress will go along with it. Other than that - Help Needed to remove immigrants and bury the dead from more gun violence. Oh … and construction workers for the wall (almost forgot that one, and I assume it’s the absolute most important).


These are alternative promises.


I’m sure Kookyanne Con-Job and Sean Splurger will tell everyone that he kept every single promise and the war machine is rolling on towards our eventual victory.

Two lame variations on a lame old theme:


I think most of the promises will be the ones with the most show internationally and get credit for. For ex., as we’ve pointed out already he needs to show the feral trumpers he’s coming down hard on the black and brown people so at least one televised mass deportation is necessary. (He’ll eliminate funding for sanctuary cities but that won’t stop them from existing.)

He’ll also make a big show of calling China a currency manipulator and walking away from TPP. China will act accordingly. Apparently, he’s going to meet with the leaders of Can. and Mexico this week. Nothing will happen and he’ll say that he was victorious.


A trump promise is as valuable as a degree and diploma from trump University.

But as many of its supporters have said:
“We knew he was lying to us but he’s a Republican and we’re used to it … plus it’s expected and totally presidential. And we are excited and overwhelmingly in support of trumps plan to take our healthcare plans away so the president doesn’t have to pretend to pay taxes to support all of us loyal supporters. It’s the least we can do for a true patriot. He’s doing it all for US. We promise.”


I wish he would promise to shut up…


I have a copy of Trump’s agenda for today:

  • meet with Paul Ryan to discuss size of inauguration crowds

  • meet with Mitch McConnell to discuss size of inauguration crowds

  • break for hair maintenance

  • order gold carpet and bust of Mussolini for Oval Office

  • eat junk food for lunch

  • tweet about SNL

  • meet with Director of FBI to deliver roses and give him a back rub

  • meet with foreign leaders to discuss crowd size

  • meet with generals to discuss suitable locations for easily-manageable
    war, at safe distance from all Trump-branded properties and Trump partners/investors

  • watch TV

  • tweet about dishonest media claims that President is wasting time watching TV

  • meet with advisers to start booking performers for 2021 inauguration - don’t want to
    find they’re all busy again!

  • tweet about fantastic progress on first 100 days


That’s what the kids are calling it these days?




—Ban White House and congressional officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave the government.

—Ban former White House officials from lobbying on behalf of foreign governments for the rest of their lives.

Obviously doesn’t apply to former campaign officials.

Corey Lewandowski: my new firm does not violate pledge to stamp out lobbying
"…He insisted he should not be portrayed as “cashing in, which is absolutely factually incorrect”. The claim that he “got into this business so I could make money”, Lewandowski added, “is absolutely disgusting”.


The global nightmare continues.

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New gold laced drapes in the White House?