Discussion: Trump Loss In Financial Records Battle Sets Stage For Future Fights With Congress

I actually think that only Thomas and Alito are sure bets here. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh know they will forever be tainted by being “Trump” appointees (the latter having additional reasons of course), and I wouldn’t be surprised if they vote against him. What the hell do they have to lose?

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Agreed and it can’t be said enough that Trump is inserting himself where no president has gon before. Trump acts as though anything that mentions his name is fair game for his intervention. The information on Barr’s idea of an Executive that is not so much a branch as simply The Executive harks back to Cheney starting with his work under Bush One. This is the culmination of the imperial presidency that conservatives have been pushing for and if it doesn’t get a stake through the heart now, I thing our democracy’s chances of surviving in any recognizable form get slimmer and slimmer.


Actually, impeachment investigations would fall under rule 6(e) exemption allowing the release of grand jury testimony, so there is a difference.

I appreciate your thoughtful reply and outside of that you make an interesting point about semantics.


Excellent question. My guess is that IF they are, there are a lot of “no comments.”

Keep asking. Let’s see them being asked and replying with, “No comment.”

Hound them until they crawl into a hole and stay there, and then ask where they are.

Or are republicans off-limits to such questioning? Hmmmm?


LOL! Looks like Trump finally found his partner in crime for having a foreign nation try to smear Biden’s presidential run:


Hilarious. And the actual shit they say in it is almost incoherent. NK is one strange fucking twilight zone.


Everybody’s so eager to impeach the sumbitch. Personally, I have no problem watching him get pummeled to a bloody pulp every day for the next many months.

The guy is not an American, his election is illegitimate, and even the Republicans hate him. Their Party’s best candidates told us so in the campaign.


Stop it. Just stop it. Everyone needs to fucking STOP. IT. These people deserve ZERO benefit of the doubt and that’s all anyone’s babbling about when they start up with the “legacy” nonsense. The ONLY legacy that matters to them is that they go down in history as saving the country from Global Browning and made permanent minority-rules white Christian hegemony the law of the land. That’s IT. End of story. Years of me and others screaming that nothing is off limits now that we’ve elected a black man POTUS, followed by years of them proving that absolutely nothing is off limits for them anymore and people STILL don’t fucking get it? Are people really going to sleep through all this? Really?


The writing’s on the wall, Trumpsuckers!.

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It must be hard to understand the outside world when the regime is so insular and isolationist. And some people want to US to be like that. For better or worse, we’re all in this together on this planet and the sooner we accept that and work together, the better chance we have of surviving long-term as a species.


Jeff Daniels pretty much said as much in that interview last night. By 2045, whites will supposedly be a minority, and oh, boy, that must not stand.

Could it be that anti-abortion zealots are up in arms, but not for the reasons they claim?


It’s not the end of the republic. It’s the “return” of the republic to its rightful whiteful overlords. That is their view and belief.


I see a flaw in your argument; Nancy Pelosi is not Mitch McConnell. He alone prevented the Garland nomination from consideration. I don’t think Madame Speaker will do the same thing with impeachment. She is moving slowly, but I’m OK with that.


An African-American prosecutor in Georgia was just asked if she would uphold the law if the Supremes declare abortion illegal, because she said she would not prosecute the woman, doctor or nurse involved.

She said that adultery is still against the law there, but she wouldn’t even bother prosecuting that. :laughing:


Entirely contradicts Trump’s and Mnuchin’s “legal” arguments.


True, but we can get grand jury testimony a little later. I think for now it’s important to get the witnesses who have already testified to Meuller to give their testimony on national tv before Congress. Starting an impeachment won’t speed that process up any right now.

Also, the judge in the Mike Flynn case is already ordering all information regarding that case to be unsealed. It’s possible other judges involved in this investigation will follow suit soon.


What’s bizarre though is the part where it apparently says he can exert executive privilege over his tax returns. That just makes no fucking sense whatsoever. The entire reasoning upon which the idea of executive privilege is based is that the POTUS and his advisers need to be free to play with ideas and suss out the best policies and courses of action. His fucking tax returns have ZERO to do with that…nothing whatsoever.

What’s he going to do? Announce his tax returns are a national security threat or issue? If so, then please proceed…please please please…


I noticed that. I’ll bet the scotus fab 5 miss Bush Jr. Dumb, but at least he and gang could give them something to work with. Trump et al., are like trying to work with a troop of poop throwing trained chimps.


A political attack on the President is an attack on Democracy, and if his tax returns are subject to Congressional oversight, then by extension every American must worry that their tax returns will be similarly subject to review and publication.

Or somesuch bullshit. They don’t really care about the law, they just care if they can get the Magic 5 to agree with their bullshit and declare it constitutional by fiat.


[quote=“nycabj, post:85, topic:88149”]
and if it doesn’t get a stake through the heart now
[/quote]That’s been the sticking point.

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