Discussion: Trump Lobs Insults At Clinton, Calling Her 'Unhinged' And A 'Liar'

Actually, he’s not dating himself. There’s a recently released graphic novel based on this Twilight Zone episode, and I just read it with my son last week.

So from my point of view, the reference is pretty hip.

Uncannily so, in fact.

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yeah. but there’s still the carbon dating thing.

“She’s really pretty close to unhinged,”". And she’s like an unbalanced person." Like all characterizations of Clinton by any conservative, this is what psychologists call PROJECTION.

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Somewhere within the past week, I’ve seen some right wing site making that assertion. I didn’t have the energy to track down what they were talking about.

This is part of the secret strategy for victory I guess. Never give any details, remain vague and uncommitted, only allude to things that may be, deflect when pressed then project all faults and foibles onto your opponent.

This tactic keeps Dumbo Donald from ever actually stating a policy or having to talk about any real agenda but then again, that is the problem, he’s got nothing but insults and obnoxiousness.
Who cares if he wins a name calling fight, when the problem is that he is in a name calling fight in the first place.

In Trump world, national and world affairs take a back seat to talking smack and tweet wars.
I’m sure that he could announce Armageddon in 140 characters or less.


Ya know, I came here just to post “Sad!” in a comment, chuckle and move on, and then you had to go and drag the Overton Window into it, and now I’m all depressed.

This election is going to test whether a crushing electoral defeat can cram the monsters back through the window into the realm of the unthinkable, or at least the politically suicidal radical. Of course, first we have to get the crushing defeat.


Then you see a different animal than I do.
Trump is well know for stiffing people he owes money to. For reneging on contracts. For beating his first wife, Ivana, up after botched hair surgery. For leaving investors in his projects holding the bag when he declares bankruptcy and lots more.
I would call him an asshole. Who tosses a baby out of a rally because the child cries? Who ejects members of a silent protest because they stood up and held up pocket copies of the Constitution at one of his rallys?
By the way… "savage asshole " are your words. But on thinking on them I guess that even though I did not use them initially I guess I agree.

Exactly the comment I was going to post when I saw this story. All Hillary has to watch out for now is that she does not descend to Trump’s kindergarten level.

This is why I read comments. Always hoping to find one like this. Thanks!

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He is trying to bait her. That technique worked in the primaries. It won’t work with Hillary. She isn’t one of the dwarfs.

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Sanders’ Free College tuition is the rare example from the left. Read something a few years ago about a righty explaining Overton to a lefty who couldn’t understand why they kept losing ground. Right always willing to take the hit by suggesting something preposterous to move the window.-- Bachmann, Gohmert, King.

Since he projects all of his own faults on her, it’s no surprise he also thinks she can be baited as easily as he can. He really is just that stupid.


So, he’s stealing comments others have said about him and trying to lay them on HRC? What is it with the Trumps and stealing the words of others?
Seriously, some serious projection going on there.

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I would argue that the WaPo politifact piece is a bit worse than what your article discusses. Because its literally the media berating and punishing a public figure for NOT making thing easy for them. Its one thing to reduce your reporting down to simplistic sensationalism…its step down the ladder when you are, in essence, publicly scolding a politician for not reducing her answer down to the same level…knowing full well that if she did, she would be cutting her own throat and WaPo would be at the front of the line to lap up the blood.

If Hillary were to give simplistic answers to this issue…the press would be all over her for precisely what WaPo did in this piece…for lying. This piece would have been even worse, condemning her for reducing a complex legal matter into something simple sounding merely for political gain.

Which is what makes this so much worse.

James O’Keefe is apparently practicing his technique: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/brian-dickerson-james-okeefe-column

2008- Donald Trump praised Hillary Clinton during the Democratic presidential primary, saying that she would make a “great president.”

Trump, Yesterday- Clinton is “unhinged” and has a bad temperament, which he said makes her unfit for the presidency.

One of these statements makes Trump a liar.

Oh I can not wait to watch the donald debate Clinton. I am going to invite all my republican friends and im goin to sit a barrel of pop corn right in the middle of the livingroom . But before the debate begins I am going to play Clintons convention speech and the the donalds speech and enjoy a good laugh first.

Who does he think he is?..Pee Wee Herman?

Trump calling someone an unhinged liar.

That’s pretty funny.

I enjoyed that so much, thanks for sharing!

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