We also know that Trump bought this mansion in 1996, one year after his $916 million loss and zero taxes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6oZeEiyb_w
If a link isn’t allowed, Google “Trump home, Westchester, Youtube” and select “Growing up Trump”.
As Josh stated nothing illegal about this. BUT it punches a hole in Trumps boasting what a successful businessman he is… When his casino’s imploded in the early 90’s and Trump reported over $900 million in losses on his Fed return.
If I wanted to vote for someone like Trump for President based on his business success. I would have voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. What a sucker all these white blue collar workers are voting for Trump. I consider myself a white blue collar worker ( I am in a Union and a tradesman). I see what a BS clown Trump is…
Only a “brilliant” businessman like the Donald could recognize the upside of losing $916 million in a single year. It’s comforting to know he’ll run our country the way he runs his businesses. Perhaps he can lose $916 trillion for the US in his first year as President, then no one would ever have to pay taxes again. What a perfect plan.
Edit: Typo
This story doesn’t end here–although it should be sufficient, in a healthy democracy, to put paid to the already absurd notion of Trump becoming our number one public servant. I’d like to know how he suffered a loss of almost a billion dollars–and that’s a billion dollars almost twenty years ago. That seems like a very, very cooked-up number right there. I’m certain that the loss was inflated and misstated precisely in order to create an income-tax-free future for this piece of scum. Let me put it another way: how is it that whenever a Trump business crashes and burns, the liabilities are always corporate but the tax write-offs are personal? Something is very wrong here.
Former Trumpaccountant Jack Mitnick, whose name appears as Trump’s tax preparer of the filings, confirmed their authenticity, the newspaper reported.
“Trumpaccountant” has to be a unique job title for a certain type of douchebag that avoids paying taxes. I know, I know, it’s a typo…but its an appropriate one in this case.
And in a desperate effort to deflect from yet another damning revelation about him, Trump goes straight to his happy place:
"I don’t think she’s even loyal to Bill if you want to know the truth … "
I wonder why he doesn’t have to pay an AMT ( alternative minimum tax). I’m wondering about that $400,000 paid to him from Comedy Central that was diverted to his “charitable” foundation. If he had to claim that on his federal income taxes he maybe would have had to pay income tax. So, I think there might be some illegal things trump has done to avoid paying income tax.
A postmark indicated they had been sent from New York City
and the return address claimed the envelope
had been sent from Trump Tower, the newspaper said.
Bet me. There’s a floor-to-floor witchhunt-in-progress at Trump Tower as we speak.
Probably with batons-in-hand.
Trump isn’t the only one who can fix this. But it requires some willingness from congress, and so far the GOP has refused to show any desire to close the loopholes that benefit the filthy rich. I hope the Dems in tight races point this out to the voters.
What’s the real story here? That Trump paid no taxes? NO!
The real story is that this weasel [apologies to weasels out there] bases his candidacy on his business experience and success, but he managed to lose almost ONE BILLION DOLLARS in a single year!
Timing is everything and I think the tax story is going to swamp the poo Donald is throwing at Hillary for her comments about Bernie supporters. Those comments, however, would seem to track with the thoughts of many of the hardcore Hillarybots here on TPM so I suspect those folks are going to feel validated by their champion.
Owning a casino, where the deck is stacked in the house’s favor.
In the casino business no less. How do you lose money running a gambling house?
This just adds to a huge and mounting pile of evidence that this guy’s core myth—he’s a very successful businessman—is just that. The only thing he’s ever done, the only thing he’s ever really been successful at, is pretending to be a tycoon, playing a clownishly exaggerated part as it would be imagined by a very unsophisticated person. Real businesspeople know he’s a fake. He’s poison in NYC, and the word gets around soon enough. So he took his show on the road. It worked as reality TV. But not when powerful people want to prove it’s a fraud. It’s not a good enough show for that.
Thank you so much New York Times of building Humpty Dumpty a GREAT BIG WALL!
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them. #failing@nytimes
Hahahahahaha… OMG
And Rudy 911 and Chris Chrusty’ are both calling Trump a “genius” for not paying any taxes for a couple of decades…uh huh! Wonder how every person in America who has paid his/her taxes will feel about that? That’s right!
More interesting is HO’s meltdown last night, just as the story broke.
The only ways to lose money running a casino is to be too careless to keep the employees from stealing you blind or to skim too much for yoursef.
Two points.
These losses were incurred on the backs of the people of Atlantic City. His amazing, YOOGE, bigly business skills drove the casinos there into the ground. They might have been on that trajectory anyway, but the process was definitely expedited by Trump because
Sen. Warren pointed out that if Trump had simply invested his inheritance in index funds he’d have quite a bit more money now compared to his projects.
The essence of this is Trump blows things up with his idiocy, reaps rewards, and lets others bleed/clean it up. If Robby Mook (he’s cute, but that name…) doesn’t have ads with the workers in AC planned, he’s an idiot.