And to think they’re already more grown up than he’ll ever be.
“Donald Trump treated the children of White House journalists to an Oval Office visit Thursday but left their parents, many of whom he criticizes, outside looking in through the windows.”
Isn’t there a federal law that prohibits sex offenders from being alone with children?
Did Donnie provide ice cream, saying “One scoop for you, two scoops for me?”
Children love to be alone with a man who is shaming their parents.
I would seriously not allow that pig within a mile of any child of mine.
And once again he proves one thing he will never ever have to worry about being: classy.
Beautiful children. How dare he disparage their parents. Can’t he just shut up for an hour?
He drags everything through his filth.
Happy f*cking Thursday, boys and girls.
He’s used to speaking to people smarter than himself like they’re children…
It’s like Davy Jones and Mother Carey being presented with a leaking life boat full of kids.
Taking the kids alone into the Oval Office seems uncomfortably like a hostage situation…
I mean, you don’t always have a chance to take your kids to the White House and have them do stuff there. I get that. But this is such an asterisky Oval Office I think it really doesn’t count. Parenting is hard in the best of times. : (
Honestly I don’t think he can ever be appropriate. Not with heads of state, not with children. He’s awful to the bone.
I have often wondered about what is in the minds of journalist parents when these events occur. Contact with an admitted sex offender?
Related, great diplomatic skills by Fat Donny Two Scoops by not inviting any Congressional Democrats to the Macron state dinner, or the Hanukka celebration last December (of the 30 Jewish members of Congress, only two are Republican).
If there was ever a president we could assume would have zero rapport with children, it would be Trump. Less than zero.
I suppose we should be grateful. His hatefulness to everyone may be among the things that help this very confused republic preserve its way of life long enough to have a shot at regeneration. Stay tuned, sports fans.
Flaming Fascist. Our President.
There are many professions in this country where bringing a child there would be inappropriate. I really question the common sense of the reporters who would bring their child to a work environment that is hostile and run by a tyrant.
It’s just a question of plain decency. Who would “entertain” the kids by running down their parents? The President? Really? Ruining what should be an awe-inspiring and aspirational experience for these children privileged to visit the WH. How small and how evil.
It’s a confusing article … the impression is that Hair Furor told the parents they were out - when the article makes it clear that when the KIDS were asked they - in unison - said “out” … Maybe they thought they could get more from him if the parents weren’t there … and no, not that …I’m thinking candy, etc. ROFLMAO