Discussion: Trump Leads By Three Points Among Ohio Voters

These polls are likely voters, not registered voters. So, GOTFV!!!


Hillary’s blown more leads this year than the Giants’ bullpen :weary:


The past couple of weeks have gone about as well as possible for Trump…and a small albeit consistent lead in a swing state is the best he can muster.

I fully expect, barring a completely unexpected surprise, for Hillary to eventually prevail.

Getting back on the campaign trail, having the debates, and as the election draws closer, recapturing some of the third party voters, will put her over the top.

Just my opinion.


Wow, what an implosion by Clinton. I can’t believe this. Republicans gift wrapped the election an Clinton still can’t win. That’s how freaking bad of a candidate she is. I hope you all are happy when she loses. Because this loss will be 100% on you.

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Help on the way – both Sanders and Warren are hitting the campaign trail in Ohio for Hillary this weekend.


After the quiet calm and reassurance of some great polls on Sat night/early Sunday morning, this week has been a dumpster fire of bad polls for Hillary Clinton. Trump has one-upped Romney in IA and OH as compared to 2012. Hopefully, her return to regular campaigning will cause OH and FL to settle back to where it was. I don’t know what to make of IA, and am beginning to think we need to look elsewhere and make sure we’re protecting WI and MI.

Every time I read scary headlines like this I get involuntary sphincter muscle tightening.

Remember, Hillary was the electable one.

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I wish I shared your optimism.

The media prefers Trump to win. He will provide them witha steady stream of headlines that will require them to do very little intellectual or investigative work. The media bosses will be able to enhance profits with hiring more staff, the crazy headlines will get them tons of eyeballs and advertisers. So media, all you need to do is keep writing about Hillary’s "poo"r health, her email (non) scandal, and the conflicts of interest caused by the Clinton Foundation. You will hand Donald Trump a landslide. Also make sure you do not write about Donald Trump’s potential massive conflct of interest caused by the dealings of he Trump Organization. And make sure, media, that you do not write anything substantive about Trump that will give independent voters pause, You will guarantee media profit growth for at least 4 years, and possibly 8.

Please don’t remind me. We lose Bernie and then Clinton loses to Trump. Talk about gettin’ slapped around. It must have been something I did in my previous life. And God’s still pissed about it.

NICE JOB if this is the ORO/CNN to change the dynamics of the poll to produce the horse race they WANT. Not polling younger voters will definitely give tramp a +3 lead.

What’s troubling though is that so many of my Hillary supporters are banking on the debates, and if the media were more diligent I’d be looking to the debates also. BUT, the curve is yuuuuge and the bar has been set SO low for tramp that if he does show up for the debates the so called liberal media will give him a win or wins if he just shows up and doesn’t call Clinton the C-word or throw up on his shoes. He’ll be able to word-salad his way through the debates, spew BS and keep it moving and the press will probably still be wondering if Hillary is dying lolz. The media has normalized a racist, sexist pig. Shame. Well, this country will get what it deserves with a tramp presidency.