Desperation setting in ?
Why aren’t you and your master in Guantanamo yet?
When they go with the “I know you are, but what am I?” attack, it means they’re VERY vulnerable on the issue.
Sez the guy who enriched himself from ripping off the poor…
Why isn’t someone investigating him for being a giant grifter from hell?
What an asshole - preys on the poor and then walks around acting all moral.
Two reasons I can think of:
- he isn’t POTUS anymore
- he hasn’t done anything wrong
“Why Isn’t A Special Counsel Investigating Obama?”
Uh, because there’s no criminal wrongdoing by Obama? It appears that the best defense Trump and his professional liars have is to smear Obama daily.
It’s the O.J. Simpson strategy: try to make the case not about the accused, but about somebody else.
“There is no evidence right now — nothing! — on Russia collusion with the Trump campaign,” he asserted.
Everyone expects a criminal lawyer to bullshit and proclaim her / his client’s innocence. What is disgusting is that Trump has a cadre of professional liars doing the same thing.
These guys really do think that for everything they do, the Democrats must do something equal and opposite. A political hack’s version of Newton’s third law. For example, if a Republican rips off conservative voters with a scam, then a Democrat must rip off liberal voters with a similar scam.
This is just another way-out-of-his-league NYC personal lawyer parroting what his man-baby client tells him to say, and vacuuming up said Orange Man-Baby’s dollars via billable hours. Just another corrupt shill who’ll wind up having all his own dirty dealings exposed and indicted.
This is what you get when all the good lawyers won’t work for you…
I wouldn’t exactly call this a denial of wrongdoing: “There is no evidence right now…”
To their dying day, republicans will be haunted by the fact that they couldn’t touch him, because he played by the rules.
And what happens when all of the good lawyers say no to your job offers.
Mr. Sekulow should ask a certain turtle and Speaker why there wasn’t a more appropriate response to Russian hacking.
Incoherent asshat lawyer say what?
Tell us again what Trump was really saying .
We love your translations of Trumptweet
Keep the story straight this time
OK ?
If it’s a Trumpster making an accusation, then you know it’s projection…
exactly why he fits in so well with this crowd.
And it must also haunt them that after a dozen or more investigations of HRC the worst they could find is the email server, and even that turned out to be nothing more than careless rather than corrupt or criminal.