So says the “so-called” POTUS.
Justice is a beyotch, Donnie. So’s karma.
"The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots."
H.L. Mencken
The judge was appointed to the bench by W, and used the ruling against President Obama’s use of EOs as precedent to slap you down, Donnie. Prepare for more legal defeats.
Re: Karma is a (beautiful) beyotch.
Make him own it.
Tattoo it to his forehead.
Hoist him by his own twittiot petard.
From now until this miserable heap shambles off the stage:
So. Called. President.
Don’t think that the other “so-called judges” in the “so-called third branch” will accept this too well.
So called president’s son Eric went to Uruguay on a business trip, we paid for it.
I think he forgot to call the judge “Mexican”. Did poor Donald run out of characters as well as character?
Federal, pffft, what’s that? A savings and loan?
No, you meant to say “So called president’s so called son Eric…” And, the so called president is increasingly being called a SOB.
Cheeto Donnie ran out of character a long time ago…
Don’t think he doesn’t know it was a Bush appointee. I hope the Federalist Society enjoys Gorsuch, because as far as Trump is concerned, they just betrayed him. I shudder to think what kind of litmus test he’s going to put on his lower court appointees, and how many will be mercenary enough to accept his terms.
I was just about to ask Donald how that worked out, trying to intimidate the Trump U. suit judge. Cost him a couple of bucks in the end, as I recall.
Anyway, Twitter is having lots of snarky fun with this.
Shoutout to all the Trump fans who are never sure when it's *you're* vs. *your* but who are now suddenly constitutional law scholars.
— Dab Aggin (@DabAggin) February 4, 2017
He wrote this at 5:12 a.m., poor lamb, working so hard for his fellow Americans
@antisachetdethe Imagine what Molly would say about this thing’s hair because it’s clear she couldn’t pick on Ricky who no longer has Goodhair. President Very Terrible Hair? President With Hair Color That Doesn’t Occur In Nature?
When he heard it was a Washington judge, Donnie wanted to drive down Pennsylvania Avenue to see him right away…
Open contempt for the judiciary has been a consistent feature of post-WWII lunatic reactionary conservatives. “Impeach Earl Warren” was one of the most popular John Birch Society bromides of the '50s and '60s.
He’s obviously doing rosary’s for Arnold…