TPM, some new articles are posting without the comment button. Please fix it.
And this is the person who thinks he can out-negotiate North Korea … and will claim that he did no matter how badly he gets fleeced.
FB and Twitter are awash in Oval Office photos of Trump hugging Haberman while grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
The Emperor’s nakedness is becoming apparent to everyone except Republican die-hards who get all their “news” from Fox.
Except DontheCon we can read your insults in your tweets. We hear you demean targets i your speeches, and we hear you mock even your allies and appointees. You mistreat everyone. The story is 100% believable because this is who you are.
Off topic - but seems noteworthy but easy to fly under the radar:
Sorry to state the obvious again, but the moron is mentally ill (which does not contradict with his clear criminal intent). “I don’t speak to and have nothing to do with” Maggie is not just a lie but a totally unnecessary one. And stupid. But he can’t help tweeting it anyway.
and her response:
He is definitely nervous about Michael Cohen.
Yeah, “nervous”.
[nur-vuh s]
- highly excitable; unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive
- scared shitless
In case you missed it:
If Mueller is nearing the end of the obstruction probe, why has Rudy been brought in to speed-up Mueller?
I figured out how to get here, i couldn’t find it in any list.
take the original story URL
add “forums”, change “livewire” to “t”, add “discussion-”, add story number. ( the x at the beginning is so the link can be read)
You get the story number by counting from the last story that comments worked.
This isn’t even on the level of a Youtube troll. He’s rage babbling. Has he ever sounded more unhinged than this?
Or you can try this link:
The juice box is a nice addition.
The juice box and the tiny tiny hands are regulars.
I just go to ’ more ’ from all news page…
then to ’ the hive …
scroll down through ’ catagories ’ to ’ article topics …
Yea ! yer there !