With how much of a kickback to PMURT Enterprises, Inc. of Tijuana?
Oh the multiple years of endless lawsuits and payouts to various companies for violations of Federal rules and regulations regarding contract awards…
I’m loving it. Just off of this story, EVERY losing company will challenge the results in court, and nothing will be awarded, no work started, until all of that is adjudicated…
Trump just killed his own wall. This is going to be tied up in litigation past the election.
Wait, I thought Mexico . . .
The administration ought to just publish their price list for appointments, contracts, legislation, etc. and just get it over with. Or perhaps a public auction for each of these considerations would be more appropriate.
Mexico is only paying for the wall.
The violations of contract law… Taxpayers are probably going to be on the hook for tens if not hundreds of millions here by the time this shit winds its way through (between legal fees and settlements with all the bidders).
Donnie’s new storefront: Corruption R Us.
Is orange bozo concerned that there might be a shortfall of supporting evidence, or is he trying for an insanity defense?
I am old enough to remember when Congress had a say in how federal money was spent.
Cheap for the taxpayers means Trump’s friend will make lots of money on a wall,built with cheap materials, that will colapse in a few years.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told the Post. “He wants to make sure we get the job done under budget and ahead of schedule.”
And with no competetive bidding evidently.
Fisher Industries = Halliburton 2.0
Are these Trump’s friends or his lenders? I bet it’s the latter.
Even better, Fox news grifters.
Checking out what I can do to get a quick appearance on Fox to plead my case for a few million bucks and a pre-emptive pardon covering whatever I decide to do in the rest of my days
According to the Post, the president pushing Fisher despite the company’s incompetence could have broader implications, as his intervention could violate procurement rules that “require government agencies to seek competitive bids, free of political interference.” Yet despite all this, Trump has remained decidedly pro-Fisher anyway. “He said these other guys were full of shit,” an official said about Trump’s meeting with the Army Corps and D.H.S. officials…And though Trump may also be focused on Fisher, he isn’t losing sight of what really matters. According to the Post’s Fisher report, Trump’s most recent border meeting Thursday saw the president take issue with a hydraulic sliding gate design—and raise yet another way to ensure the border wall caters to Trump’s every whim. “Why not French doors?” the president suggested.
It’s the third one: his donors.
Yeah, let’s just sole source it. What a jerk!
" The head of Fisher Industries, Tommy Fisher, has been a guest on many conservative radio and TV shows in recent months to tout his company’s claim that it could build more than 200 miles of wall along the border in less than a year."
Maybe it’s just as well there won’t be any infrastructure funding. Every builder and developer in the country knows exactly how to play “President” Dipshit.
“Good morning, welcome to Fox and Friends, we’ve got a developer with a great infrastructure idea. Tim?”
“Hi! Yes, I’ve been considering how we could connect the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City, Trump’s home town. Would be a monument to him if we had a suspension bridge connecting those two places. I can do this cheaper and faster than anyone. Why, it’ll be done literally before you know it if the government just transfers $50 Billion to my bank account.”
That’s .55 miles of wall a day, working all 365 days of the year. That’s 182 feet of wall per hour, every hour of every day, working 16 hours a day.
Or, to illustrate the true idiocy of the claim, that’s three feet of wall per minute.
I call bullshit